Test Taking Tips Mariya Moseley Per:7 9/23/09
Be On Time!! Try to show up at least 5 minutes before the test will start.
Eat Before A Test!! Eat before a test. Having food in your stomach will give you energy and help you focus but avoid heavy foods which can make you groggy.
Have A Back Up Plan!! Set your alarm and have a backup alarm set as well
Use The Restroom before hand Go to the bathroom before walking into the exam room. You don't want to waste anytime worrying about your bodily needs during the test.
Get Some Rest Go to bed early the night before a test.
Dress Comfortably Wear comfortable clothes the day of your test, so that you are comfortable.
Double Check All Answers Before turning in your test, make sure you double check all answers.
Be Sure to Keep your eyes on your own paper You don’t want your teacher to think that you are cheating so just keep your eyes on your own paper.
Read The question more than once When taking a test, read the question more than once so you don’t answer it incorrectly.
Budget Your Time Don’t spend too much time on one specific question at a time.
Ask Questions Ask as many questions before a test.
Read Directions Carefully Be sure to read the directions carefully before beginning the test.
Be sure to outline before writing an essay Be sure to do an outline before writing an essay.
Never Stop studying Study as much as possible, and every chance you get.