Rational curves interpolated by polynomial curves Reporter Lian Zhou Sep
Introduction De Boor et al.,1987 Dokken et al.,1990 Floater,1997 Goladapp,1991 Garndine and Hogan,2004
Introduction Jaklic et al.,Preprint Lyche and M ø rken 1994 Morken and Scherer 1997 Schaback 1998 Floater 2006
Introduction Non-vanishing curvature of the curve De Boor et al.,1987 Circle Dekken et al.,1990;Goldapp,1991; Lyche and M ø rken 1994
Introduction Conic section Fang, 1999;Floater, 1997
Introduction de Boor et al., 1987 where a 6th-order accurate cubic interpolation scheme for planar curves was constructed.
Introduction Lian Fang 1999
The Hermite interpolant We will approximate the rational quadratic B é zier curve
The Hermite interpolant ellipse when w < l parabola when w = 1 hyperbola when w >1;
The Hermite interpolant
Lemma 1
The Hermite interpolant Lemma 2
The Hermite interpolant Theorem 1 The curve q has a total number of 2n contacts with r since the equation f(q(t)) = 0 has 2n roots inside [0, 1].
The Hermite interpolant
Approximate the rational tensor-product biquadratic B é zier surface
Disadvantage For general m, little seems to be known about the existence of such interpolants apart from the two families of interpolants of odd degree m to circles and conic sections found in (Lyche and M ø rken, 1994) and (Floater, 1997), each having a total of 2m contacts.
High order approximation of rational curves by polynomial curves Michael S. Floater Computer Aided Geometric Design 23 (2006) 621 – 628
Method Let be the rational curve r(t)=f(t)/g(t).
Two assumptions
Basic idea
Theorem 3 There are unique polynomials X and Y of degrees at most N − 1 and n + N − 2, respectively, that solve (4). With these X and Y, p in (5) is a polynomial of degree at most n+k −2 that solves (1).
Euclid ’ s g.c.d.gorithm Now describe how Euclid ’ s algorithm can be used to find the solutions X and Y.
Euclid ’ s g.c.d.gorithm
Approximation order Algebraic form of circle or conic section Dokken et al., 1990; Goldapp, 1991; Lyche and M ø rken, 1994; Floater, 1997;
Approximation order New method
Approximation order Theorem 4
Interpolating higher order derivatives
Circle case
Add the vector (1, 0) to (15) Then
Circle case
Restrict n to be odd and place the parameter values symmetrically around t = 0.
Circle case
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