NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Network Measurements Working Group Summary of the Work on "new" Schemata Richard Hughes-Jones Main Contributors: Dan Gunter, Martin Swany, Jason Zurawski NM-WG GGF13 Seoul
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Introduction: The Hierarchy Document “A Hierarchy of Network Performance Characteristics for Grid Applications and Services” Document defines terms & relations: Network characteristics Measurement methodologies Observation Nodes & Paths Defines the meanings Discusses the use & relations For each Characteristic Defines the meaning Stated the attributes that SHOULD be included Discusses the issues to consider when making an observation GGF Proposed Recommendation GFD-R.023
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Schemata: Overview NM-WG then focused on standardizing schemas for exchanging network measurements Extended concept to Requesting historical network measurements Requesting measurements to be made on demand NM-WG has Two sets of schemata: v.1::Monolithic, straight mapping of “characteristics” doc (Mark’s talk) v.2::Framework: Base schema - common components, types, topology Add separate sub-schema for each characteristic and/or tool Separation of Metadata & Network information Framework has extensibility to just about anything Schema language: Relax-NG compact syntax
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Version 2 Schemas: Recap [1] Request: Just has a metadata section - containers for: characteristic – namespace required (e.g. subject (e.g. host pair) parameters appropriate either for making a test or filtering historic data (e.g. TTL, TCP buffer size …) Time/date (of required observation) Time is a range Other parameters are specified or implied *
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Version2 Schemas: Recap [2] Response: metadata: These are the “conditions” / parameters / tool used for the test. Parameters could be – The same parameters and values as in the Request –Same parameters but values modified –Additional Parameter-value tuples data: Anything in xml eg bin64 encoded (but don’t expect to be sending binary) Could include a reference to other sources of data
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester NM-WG V2 Schemas: 8 Easy Examples !! Request Base request example traceroute request example Base request schema Traceroute request schema Response example Base response traceroute example Base response schema traceroute schema Color-coded: base ; traceroute With thanks to Dan Gunter
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Details go here 1. Base Request Example
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 2. Traceroute Request Example <nmwg:request xmlns:nmwg=" xmlns:tr= “ "> *.udel.edu details Base Namespace Namespace specifies traceroute Characteristic elements will have :tr
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester default namespace = Request = element metadata { Metadata }* Metadata = attribute id { xsd:string } Subject = attribute id { xsd:string } Parameters = attribute id { xsd:string } HostPairQuery = element hostPairQuery { element src { EndpointPattern }, element dst { EndpointPattern } } EndpointPattern = attribute type { token }, element address { string }, element port { xsd:int }? 3. Base Request Schema Extend these three elements
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 4. Traceroute Request Schema namespace tr = namespace nmwg = import “nmwg-base-schema.rnc” Request = element tr:metadata { Metadata }* TrMetadata = nmwg:Metadata & element tr:subject { TrSubject } element tr:parameters { TrParameters } TrSubject = nmwg:Subject & ( nmwg:HostPair | nmwg:HostPairQuery ) TrParameters = nmwg:Parameters & ( element maxttl { xsd:int }? & element nqueries { xsd:int }? & element waittime { xsd:int }? ) Extended for traceroute
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester T00:00:00 5. Base Response Example Metadata Details go here Results Details go here Added timestamp
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 6. Traceroute Response Example [1] <nmwg:response xmlns:nmwg=" xmlns:tr= " "> huey.udel.edu UDP modified added wildcard becomes actual hostname Metadata
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 6. Traceroute Response Example [2] T00:00:00 ir100gw-r query num='2' … ir100gw-r etc. … Results probe = setting of the ttl query = observation at a given ttl
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 7. Base Response Schema default namespace = Response = ( element metadata { Metadata } | element data { Data } )* Metadata = attribute id { xsd:string } Subject = attribute id { xsd:string } Parameters = attribute id { xsd:string } Data = attribute id { Identifier }, attribute metadataId { Identifier }, element time { Time }?, element units { token }?, Extend these three elements Data Details go here
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 8. Traceroute Response Schema [1] namespace tr = namespace nmwg = import “nmwg-base-schema.rnc” Response = element tr: (metadata { Metadata } | element tr:data { TrData } )* TrMetadata = nmwg:Metadata & element tr:subject { TrSubject } element tr:parameters { TrParameters } TrSubject = nmwg:Subject & ( nmwg:HostPair | nmwg:HostPairQuery ) TrParameters = nmwg:Parameters & ( element maxttl { xsd:int }? & element nqueries { xsd:int }? & element waittime { xsd:int }? & element dontFragment {xsd:bool}? & element mode { token }? )
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 8. Traceroute Response Schema [2] TrData = nmwg:Data & element tr:probe { attribute num { xsd:int }, element query { attribute num { xsd:int }, element hopValue { nmwg:Endpoint }, element rtt { xsd:float } } }+ traceroute details
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester The Developer's Guide (only V2 Schemata) Draft Document (version 1) GGF-NMWG-03-I Nov 2004 Finish the descriptive examples. Provide notes & a “toolkit” to aid other network monitor developers to add NM-WG capability. Toolkit will give reference implementations. i.e. language+ schemas in some tooling – simply this code makes the web service DAN Perl (Internet2) Python (Dan) Java (Dante, Europe Grid).net (large market – need assistance here) WS-RF integration needs discussion & work Advertising capability (feature negotiation, etc.) Security – permission to run test / access historic data (NESC Strategy doc “Web service grids an Evolutionary Approach”)
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Where are we now with V2 Schemata? v.2 base schema has been around for a while Sub-schema for common characteristics/tools: iperf, ping, traceroute With extensibility to just about anything Need implementor feedback Working on the developer's guide to smooth transition and help with Web Svcs details not yet published, but v.0.1 is available on our new web site: A draft “How-to write your own schema” by Dan Gunter
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester Next Steps for Adoption NM-WG to get rough consensus on common tools eg ping, iperf, traceroute (Almost there) Put these in the canonical NM-WG namespace (ie schemas, parameters are NM_WG specific) Publish v2 Schemas doc in GGF via GFSG - Draft Recommendation Get 2+ implementations to interoperate Iterate, using developer's guide as read/write resource
NMWG GGF13 Seoul March 2005 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester