By, Kelleen C 7 th Grade
ME Name:Kelleen Cummings Age:12 State:WA Characteristics of State:We are the third best state economically and environmentally in the country
Issue #1: WAR Our fight isn’t with the countries in the middle east, it is with Al Qaeda If we are going to have a stable economy with the money we are spending on the war, we need to keep our eyes on the prize, and not the pretty ruby on our left –It’s like that Aladin movie where if you touch anything but what you came in to get, the whole building crumbles Afghanistan and Iraq deserve a secure country after we ripped it up, we should help them rebuild
Issue #2: Environment Enforce laws about killing endangered species –Maybe start a list that is printed in all of the papers that shows the endangered and rare species lists Maybe have more people give the Al Gore presentation at upper grade schools Get the message out, help them understand –My friends are not convinced by (and this is their words not mine) “The whole global warming thing, I mean come on, we aren’t all going to burn up in 50 years or anything”
Issue #3: Power Nuclear energy isn’t the safest choice of efficient power –It actually produces little tiny particles that won’t ruin the Ozone, but if we breathe them in, they get stuck in our lungs and that causes lung cancer Washington is a great example of what every state needs to do, put more jobs into clean power –Wind farms –Solar panel companies –Hydro electricity –Puget Sound Partnership Clean Up
Issue #4: Health Care Your healthcare plan will work, I just think that people are so confused and are questioning it – you need to tell people exactly what you are going to do In our state we have benefits for same sex couples, people are trying to get those to go federal, I am wondering whether, due to our current position with some of the states, if it is possible
Thank you Barack Obama for listening to me today, I appreciate it. Good Bye!