S2 Information evening Personalisation and choice
Understanding our curriculum S1/2 20 subjects across all curricular areas S3 9 subjects across all curricular areas S4 7 subjects at N3 / N4 / N5 / College S5 / 6 5 subjects at N3/4/5/ Higher / College S3 pupils will be organised into new classes in May and will continue with BGE work until Xmas. Some work completed in S3 may contribute towards units or course awards at the end of S4 Sustained Positive destination Broad General EducationSenior Phase = Review of learning
How does this happen? Additional BGE Choices Administration Chemistry French History PE RMPS Art Computing Geography Home Economics Personal development Biology Design & Manufacture German Modern Studies Physics Business Management Engineering Science Graphic Communication Music Practical Woodwork
When does all this happen? 3/12/15Information evening 10/12/15S2 full reports 25/1/16 S2 guided interviews with their PTPS 1/2/16Submit personalisation and choice form 9/5/16new timetable begins
Where can I get help?
Technical Maths Social subjects PE / HE ASN Business Ed / Languages EnglishScienceMusic / Art Coffee / Tea PLANIT PLUS reception Map of the Hub