Theatre Safety A quick guide to avoiding accidents in class
Basic Safety Dangerous props/equipment are stored away Platforms should be clearly marked and safe Stage floors should be kept dry and cleared of slip-and-fall hazards. Trip hazards should be removed or clearly marked. The stage floors should be free of splinters & nails stairs should be marked and maintained Floors/passages should be clear of obstacles. The stairs leading up to platforms should have railings
Basic Safety Whenever we work with tools: tie back long hair and remove dangling jewelry & rings Whenever we work onstage (acting or tech), you need to wear close toed shoes Please be careful near the edge of the stage! When using power tools: wear safety goggles/glasses Students cannot operate power tools during school hours. After school hours they may if they have been trained on the specific tool first. Always wear gloves when handling wood, nails, screws
Elevated Platforms and Workspaces Elevated work at any level above 6 feet requires Fall Protection: guardrails, safety nets, or fall arrest systems. Platforms should be clear of all obstructions and kept free of oils, grease or water. All individuals working under elevations must wear hard hats and safety shoes.
Ladders Any ladders with broken or missing rungs or other defects shall not be used. Never substitute a chair, table, or box, etc., for a ladder. Never place a ladder on a table or box to increase the height. Ladders should not be "spliced" together to create a longer one. When using a ladder, face the ladder. Workers should not stand on the top step. The ladder feet should be placed on a flat ground surface Materials should never be left on the ladder, or dropped or pitched to another worker.
Electrical Wiring Cables should be checked regularly for overheating, loose connections, fraying or other damage. Worn and frayed electrical cables should not be used. Keep electric cables away from sharp corners or doors that can pinch and injure them. Do not overload a power outlet Do not overload a power strip
Lighting & Fire Safety There should be adequate lighting backstage, onstage, and in all work areas. Emergency exits: Know where they are! NO FIRE! NO LIGHTERS! You can get in major trouble for having these on campus anyway. Keep stored flammable materials away from exits and extinguishers.