Thesis Statement = S is O because of X,Y, and Z Try writing your thesis now. (You may organize these variables in whatever way seems the most effective, but all 5 variables must be present.) S= Subject O= Opinion X= Body Paragraph Y= Body Paragraph Z= Body Paragraph Concession Transitions BeginningEnding Even thoughHowever AlthoughOn the other hand Despite the factNevertheless Even ifYet Admittedly Granted While
Thesis Statement = S is O because of X,Y, and Z Try writing your thesis now. (You may organize these variables in whatever way seems the most effective, but all 5 variables must be present.) Tulsa is a great place to visit because it’s cheap, there are lots of activities, and it has an interesting history. Tulsa is a vibrant community to explore with its rich architecture and Native American ancestry, and it can all be done on a thrifty budget.
DIRECTIONS: While constructing the thesis, consider using some of the following advanced synonyms in place of underwhelming words. “place” Area Community Destination Excursion Holiday Locale Location Region Site Venue “great” Charming Energizing Engaging Exquisite Intriguing Lively Memorable Spectacular Stunning Vibrant “visit” Behold Experience Explore Peruse Pursue Take in Tour Unwind Venture Witness “far” “cheap” “expensive” “difficult” “easy” Arduous Costly Distant Economical Effortless Far-Off Remote Secluded Thrifty Uncomplicated “places” “activities” AdventuresPursuits ArchitectureSites EventsStructures ExperiencesVentures MonumentsVenues “history” “land” “economy” “government” “weather” AncestryHeritageTerrain AssetsOriginsTopography BureaucraticMetropolitanUrban CommercialPoliticalRural EnterprisingRegionTemperate FrigidHumidDank
Body 1 Basic Information S is O because X Broken Arrow is a charming small town community endowed with moderate weather year round. “place” Area Community Destination Excursion Holiday Locale Location Region Site Venue “history” “land” “economy” “government” “weather” AncestryHeritageTerrain AssetsOriginsTopography BureaucraticMetropolitanUrban CommercialPoliticalRural EnterprisingRegionTemperate FrigidHumidDank EthnicWorldlyHistorical ADJECTIVES Charming Alluring Enchanting Exotic Intriguing Impressive Inviting Spectacular Stunning Vibrant Intriguing Captivating Verbs and Verbal Phrases Abounding inComprised of Bursting with Encompassing Rich withComposed of Teeming withDominated by Abundant withEndowed with
Body 2 LogisticsS is O because Y Reaching Oklahoma City is an effortless excursion down the interstate with budget friendly lodging upon arrival. “place” Area Community Destination Excursion Holiday Locale Location Region Site Venue “visit” Behold Experience Explore Peruse Pursue Take in Tour Unwind Venture Witness Travel Journey “far” “cheap” “expensive” “difficult” “easy” Arduous Costly Distant Economical Effortless Far-Off Remote Secluded Thrifty Uncomplicated Ambitious Demanding Manageable Accessible Budget-friendly “logistics topics” Lodging Accommodations Resorts Inns Transit Transportation Flights Shuttles Voyage Departure Mileage Expense
Body 3 ActivitiesS is O because Z Stillwater’s lively college atmosphere provides a myriad of restaurants, educational structures, and sports to engage the entire family. “Adjectives” Wealth of Myriad Limitless Immense Numerous Romantic Eye-opening Historic Engaging Amusing Diverting Fascinating Enriching Relaxing “great” Charming Energizing Engaging Exquisite Intriguing Lively Memorable Spectacular Stunning Vibrant Fascinating “place” Area Community Destination Excursion Holiday Locale Location Region Site Venue “places” “activities” Adventures Architecture Events Experiences Monuments Pursuits Sites Structures Ventures Venues Family fun Entertainment Diversions
DIRECTIONS: While constructing the thesis, consider using some of the following advanced synonyms in place of underwhelming words. “place” Area Community Destination Excursion Holiday Locale Location Region Site Venue “great” Charming Energizing Engaging Exquisite Intriguing Lively Memorable Spectacular Stunning Vibrant “visit” Behold Experience Explore Peruse Pursue Take in Tour Unwind Venture Witness “far” “cheap” “expensive” “difficult” “easy” Arduous Costly Distant Economical Effortless Far-Off Remote Secluded Thrifty Uncomplicated “places” “activities” AdventuresPursuits ArchitectureSites EventsStructures ExperiencesVentures MonumentsVenues “history” “land” “economy” “government” “weather” AncestryHeritageTerrain AssetsOriginsTopography BureaucraticMetropolitanUrban CommercialPoliticalRural EnterprisingRegionTemperate FrigidHumidDank Example: Unwind in the secluded and economical area of Turner Falls to experience outdoor adventures in a majestic terrain.