Extended School Year Services
Key Points Shifting paradigm over past 2 years –Change from summer school to ESY Access by any student with disability vs. access by only a few needing support to maintain progress Difficult concept for staff and parents to understand
What is Extended School Year Service? Not the same as summer school Ensure the receipt of FAPE Primarily provided during summer break due to efficient use of district resources Is not a continuation of the IEP. Is not due to skills delays or lack of meeting goals and objectives.
Why ESY? Unable to relearn skills lost over break period –Took unreasonable amount of instructional time relearning skills/behaviors previously taught –Guideline: Takes substantially longer to regain skills than length of the break Some skills replaced by inappropriate skills or behaviors Lose ground on functional independence (example: just learned to walk) At risk for placement into more restrictive setting
Who should be considered? All students with disabilities must be considered for ESY –Districts cannot establish policy to exclude certain groups of students Consideration based on the individual needs of the child Annual IEP team decision
ESY is: Based on individual student needs and specific critical skills important to overall progress Designed to maintain mastery of skills Designed to maintain reasonable readiness for next school year Considered as a strategy for minimizing regression Delivered in variety of environments and structures such as –Home –School based –Community activities –Related services alone or in tandem with above
ESY is not: Mandated 12 months service Required for convenience of school or parents Required or intended to maximize educational opportunities Necessary to continue instruction on all previous year’s IEP goals during ESY period To be considered to help advance students in relation to peers For students who exhibit regression due to medical problems causing degeneration or transitional life situations (death or divorce) For students who fail to achieve IEP goals and objectives during school year To provide education beyond what is described in IEP goals and objectives
Legal ESY Standards No single criterion Regression-recoupment Emerging skills Nature and severity of disability Notice and timing Content and duration of services Ability of parents to provide an educational structure at home
Case Manager Responsibilities Ensure data is collected –Beginning of school year –After breaks Data used at IEP meeting to determine annual need for ESY Ensure IEP team discusses full continuum of services for ESY –Parent involvement –Hand out parent brochure –Remind staff that ESY not an automatic summer service for setting 3 students
What we learned last year: We weren’t sure how to fill out the IEP for ESY services. We didn’t know what else to offer parents besides summer school. We didn’t understand that we had to fill out student applications in addition to the IEP. We didn’t talk with parents early enough. We didn’t give any guidelines as far as time and setting for students. We didn’t know how to enroll students in ALC program.
How to fill out the IEP Need to fill out three sections: –Service Grid: Must fill in separate lines for each ESY service ( including related services needed) and check ESY box on line –ESY Box: Must fill in “yes” box, not “more data needed”. Must fill out template using data. Note: ESY summer session isn’t long. Pick one goal – at most 2.
How to fill out IEP (cont) Adaptations –Transportation – Does the student need curb-to-curb for ESY? Could he/she ride a regular ed bus? –Does the student need para support during ESY? –Also important for students not receiving ESY – do they need curb-to- curb transportation?
Service Guidelines Suggested choices –ALC - 60 minutes of special ed services 2 – 3X week –ECSE Center based 2, 3, or 5 times a week 240 minutes Inclusion in regular preschool – 30 min 1X week Home based – 30 min 1X week Parent drive in to center for related service – 30 min 1X week
K – 8 Center Based Services EBD: –K – 6 Rondo Learning Center 240 minutes a day –7, 8………Looking at different site – possibly Homecroft 240 minutes day –Not all Federal Setting 2 and 3 EBD, Autism, DCD, DHH, and ECSE students “are entitled” to ESY. Can’t be because we are “worried about them” or “they have a bad home life” or “they won’t have anything else to do”
K - 8 LD, DCD, DHH, PI, OHD Center based services –Capitol Hill location –240 minutes per day per session –Can be 2, 3, or 5 days, but students typically have come five days. Considering how to schedule this. –Be sure to indicate 1:1 on student application if in IEP
ALC Only – no ESY Case managers need to connect with ALC Summer Team Leader in building to make sure our students get signed up 6 th grade students go to 7 th grade ALC 8 th grade students go to 9 th grade ALC If student going to ALC needs special transportation or a para, need to put on student application AND contact Mary Garrison ALCs are often combined if building is under construction. Need to tell parents If students attend programs outside their attendance areas that are not magnets ( Como El, Phalen, St. Anthony Park), they must attend the ALC program in the school closest to their homes.
Timelines: Throughout school year –Have discussions with parents –Hand out brochures –Write IEPs –Collect ideas about alternatives in the community –Watch for updates in the Special Education Newsletter
Timelines (cont) End of January – new online student application will be live on the Custom Websites portion of End of January – staff applications will be available. Will close end of March. April 15, Student applications due. May 2009: connect with parents to confirm ESY locations, timelines for transportation information.
Contacts –Cecelia Dodge, Director Supervisors –Mary Kelly, Elementary –Mary Garrison, Elementary –Marcy Doud, Middle Grades –Mary Pat Mesler, High School –Barbara Stilwell, Continuous Improvement –Ruth Paisley, ECSE