REASONING Fallacies and What They Look Like
LOGICAL FALLACIES A fallacy is a mistake in logic or reasoning Hurt arguments a ton There are many different kinds of fallacies
HASTY GENERALIZATION When the writer makes a claim based on an isolated example Example: Bob is left-handed. He is very creative. Left handed people are creative.
OVERGENERALIZATION When the writer fails to qualify a claim and says “it is always true” instead of “it may be true” Example: Men perform better in high stress jobs.
SLIPPERY SLOPE When the writer argues that taking one step will lead to undesirable step inevitably Example: The legalization of euthanasia will ultimately lead to our killing the homeless, the handicapped, and the elderly.
FALSE ANALOGY When 2 cases are not sufficiently parallel to lead readers to accept the claim What the police did to Rodney King was exactly like what the Nazis did to the Jews.
FALSE USE OF AUTHORITY When the writer uses an expert in a different field then the topic to back up their point Example: If Oprah recommends She’s Come Undone, it must be a great book!
EITHER/OR REASONING When the writer reduces the issue to only two options that are polar opposites Example: Either we choose democracy or we choose anarchy.
OVERSIMPLIFICATION When an argument obscures or denies the complexity of the issue Example: The welfare system’s problems can be solved if we enroll its recipients in job training programs.