1.What three (3) things should I know about you that will help me help you succeed in this class? 2.What is your best quality? 3.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. Aristotle
What grade do you expect to make in this class? What are you willing to do to make that grade?
Name FOUR main rules at Westmoore?
Westmoore School Policies No CELL PHONES in classrooms or hallways Only BOTTLED beverages in class NO other containers Wear your ID at all times Need ID to use computers Comply with school dress code
1.Teachers should keep their door locked and closed during each class period whenever possible. 2.Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom without an ID. 3.Ultimately, students will not be allowed to enter classrooms without appropriately displaying their student ID. 4.Don’t allow students to congregate at the door of your classroom before the bell rings to dismiss classes. 5.Hall passes should be limited to absolutely necessary tasks or to the bathroom. 6.Teachers need to establish an environment in which they have command of the students so that instructions can be given and followed when an emergency arises.
Identify those classroom rules that are most important?
Classroom Practices Value your time in the classroom Report to class on time with textbook, pencil/pen, paper. Remain silent and listen when the teacher or your classmates are speaking. Seek help from the teacher if you are unclear about the lesson or topic. Do YOUR best work. Don’t copy. Treat everyone with RESPECT. Discuss problems in private.
Describe the steps in an effective and fair discipline process.
Discipline Procedures Nonverbal reminder Verbal reminder Private conference with teacher during lunch and parent contact Office referral
Grades Grades are categorized and weighted. 1.Daily Lessons = 40% 2.Assessments = 20% (Quizzes/Exams) 4.Participation = 10% (Ids, Books, Videos, Discussions, etc.) 5.Research (Reading) & Writing = 10% 6.Bell Work/TOTD = 10% 7.Benchmark Assessments = 10% (9 Week and Semester Exams)
Absent and Late Work If you are absent, the first day you return you need to record your absence in the ABSENT LOG. I will check this log during the hour and get the lessons you missed to you. You have one week from the day you are given the assignment to turn it in. IF you were here when the assignment was made but absent when it was due you must turn it in the day you return. No extensions are given on DUE DATES. If you are unable to complete daily work in class, you must do it for homework. BUT, group work is due at the end of the hour. ½ credit will be given for work that is ONE DAY LATE. Work that is more than ONE DAY late will receive NO CREDIT. So, complete your work in class or that night as homework.
Behavioral Intervention Remediation
Role conflicts occur when two people disagree on whose job it is to do this or that task. Want / Need conflicts occur when two people want or need something different and only one person can have their way. Goal conflicts occur when someone has a goal in mind and another person wants a different goal for them. Behavioral conflicts occur when one behavior is required and a different behavior is chosen.
MPS Discipline Policy—Board Policy 7115 (rv ) Legal Reference: Title 70 Oklahoma Statues and House Bill 992 “Control and discipline in our schools depend upon the responsibility taken by the student, the parents, the teacher, the principal, and all school personnel. When the behavior of an individual student comes into conflict with the rights [and responsibilities] of others, corrective actions are necessary for the benefit of the individual and the school. Teachers have the same authority as the parent in restraining, correcting, and controlling the child while under the supervision of the school. Such discipline is administered by the principle or the administrative designee.”