IPv6 Status in Korea Seungyun Lee, ETRI Global IPv6 Summit in Japan
2 ETRI Agenda New Internet Demands in Korea New Internet Demands in Korea Deployment & Promotion Deployment & Promotion Research & Development Research & Development Business Trials Business Trials Conclusions Conclusions
3 ETRI New Internet Demands in Korea Tremendous Growth of Internet Tremendous Growth of Internet 24 million of Internet users (2001.9) 24 million of Internet users (2001.9) about 54% of population about 54% of population 7 million of subscribers of new high-speed Internet service (2001.9) 7 million of subscribers of new high-speed Internet service (2001.9) xDSL, CATV subscribers xDSL, CATV subscribers Number one country in the world (by ITU,OECD statistics) Number one country in the world (by ITU,OECD statistics) 94 ISPs 94 ISPs (Currently IPv4-based services) (Currently IPv4-based services) From KRNIC ( Increasing of New Demands Increasing of New Demands e.g., Wireless Internet e.g., Wireless Internet Having a Big potential for the New Internet
4 ETRI New Internet Demands in Korea NGI Implementer, IPv6 NGI Implementer, IPv6 IPv6 is necessary to meet the demand of a changing the Internet IPv6 is necessary to meet the demand of a changing the Internet Wireless Internet Wireless Internet Home Networking Home Networking More … More … IPv6 give us much benefits as well as more addresses IPv6 give us much benefits as well as more addresses QoS, Security, Plug-N-Play, etc. QoS, Security, Plug-N-Play, etc. IPv6 can promise the New Internet for us!
5 ETRI Deployment & Promotion Official IPv6 Deployment Policy IPv6 Forum Korea 6Bone-KR IPv6 Production Address
6 ETRI Official IPv6 Deployment Policy Official Announcement for adopting of IPv6 by Government (23 Feb 2001) Official Announcement for adopting of IPv6 by Government (23 Feb 2001) It is urgent to create the environment to introduce IPv6, a new Internet address system It is urgent to create the environment to introduce IPv6, a new Internet address system It will prepare for and carry out the “next-generation Internet infrastructure plan” It will prepare for and carry out the “next-generation Internet infrastructure plan” IPv6 is a technology-enabler to realize the New Internet IPv6 is a technology-enabler to realize the New Internet
7 ETRI Official IPv6 Deployment Policy Transition Roadmap by Government Transition Roadmap by Government Complete native IPv6 Commercial IPv6 Service (wire/wireless) Phase I (~2001) Phase I (~2001) Phase II (2002~2005) Phase II (2002~2005) Phase III (2006~2010) Phase III (2006~2010) Phase IV (2011~) Phase IV (2011~) IPv4 OnlyIPv4 Ocean IPv6 Island IPv4 Island IPv6 Ocean IPv6 Only Validation Operation Promotion IMT2000 Service Translation Service IPv4/IPv6 Translation Required Experimental IPv6 Network
8 ETRI IPv6 Forum Korea Launched at March 17, 2000 Launched at March 17, 2000 Mission Mission To allow access to knowledge and technology for the early adoption of IPv6 in domestic environment To allow access to knowledge and technology for the early adoption of IPv6 in domestic environment To verify the adoption of IPv6 and its time To verify the adoption of IPv6 and its time To improve IPv6-related market To improve IPv6-related market To set environment for the transition from IPv4-based Internet to IPv6- based Next Generation Internet To set environment for the transition from IPv4-based Internet to IPv6- based Next Generation Internet IPv6 Forum Korea is constituted by industrial bodies, research Institutes, Universities, etc. IPv6 Forum Korea is constituted by industrial bodies, research Institutes, Universities, etc. Major Roles Major Roles The counter-part of the international IPv6 Forum The counter-part of the international IPv6 Forum Sharing of operation skills for adoption of IPv6 Sharing of operation skills for adoption of IPv6 Sharing of IPv6 technology and know-how among members Sharing of IPv6 technology and know-how among members Support and offering of development and implementation of IPv6-based technology and application Support and offering of development and implementation of IPv6-based technology and application Chair : Dr. Yong-Jin Kim Chair : Dr. Yong-Jin Kim Currently 59 of organization members Currently 59 of organization members
9 ETRI 6Bone-KR 6Bone in Korea since Bone in Korea since 1996 Experimental and Tunneling IPv6 Network (over IPv4) Experimental and Tunneling IPv6 Network (over IPv4) 34+ organizations have involved in 6Bone-KR 34+ organizations have involved in 6Bone-KR 2 pTLAs 2 pTLAs ETRI/KR, 3ffe:2e00::/24 (98/5) ETRI/KR, 3ffe:2e00::/24 (98/5) APAN-KR, 3ffe:8040::/28 (99/7) APAN-KR, 3ffe:8040::/28 (99/7)
10 ETRI 6Bone-KR 6Bone-KR & KOREN(APAN-KR) connectivity 6Bone-KR & KOREN(APAN-KR) connectivity
11 ETRI IPv6 Production Address in Korea 10 sTLA organizations 10 sTLA organizations APNIC (whois.apnic.net) – 2oo1.11 APNIC (whois.apnic.net) – 2oo ETRI-KRNIC-KR :230::/35 2. DACOM-BORANET :270::/35 3. KOLNET-KRNIC-KR :280::/35 4. HANANET-KRNIC-KR :290::/35 5. KORNET-KRNIC-KR :02B0::/35 6. NGINET-KRNIC-KR :02B8::/35 7. SKTELECOMNET-KRNIC-KR :02D8::/35 8. KT-KR :0220::/35 9. UNITEL-KRNIC-KR :0330::/ KREONET2-KRNIC-KR :0320::/35 *24% of APNIC allocation
12 ETRI Research & Development National IPv6 Project, KRv6 Project Mission Mission Developing the IPv6 transition strategies and translation technologies Developing the IPv6 transition strategies and translation technologies Developing the IPv6-based Auto-configuration Networking Technologies Developing the IPv6-based Auto-configuration Networking Technologies Developing the IPv6 network infrastructure and NGI Applications Developing the IPv6 network infrastructure and NGI Applications Related sub-projects Related sub-projects 6TALK ( 6ANTS ( 6NEAT (
13 ETRI 6TALK Projects IPv6 Transition Technologies IPv6 Transition Technologies IPv6 Transition Strategies IPv6 Transition Strategies Gateway translator: 6TALK (ipv6 TrAnsLator of Krv6) as a gateway device Gateway translator: 6TALK (ipv6 TrAnsLator of Krv6) as a gateway device Dual-stack host translator: BIA (Bump-in-the- API) Dual-stack host translator: BIA (Bump-in-the- API)
14 ETRI 6TALK Projects 6TALK toolbox 6TALK toolbox NAT-PT/SIIT with ALGs support (v1.0) NAT-PT/SIIT with ALGs support (v1.0) 6to4, DSTM support (v2.0) – will be available in to4, DSTM support (v2.0) – will be available in Embedded Linux OS (Kernel 2.4.8) Embedded Linux OS (Kernel 2.4.8) MPC 8260-based Hardware MPC 8260-based Hardware
15 ETRI 6ANTS Project Auto-Configuration Networking Technologies Auto-Configuration Networking Technologies Goal is to enable networking in the absence of configuration and administration with IPv6 Goal is to enable networking in the absence of configuration and administration with IPv6 Current Workspace Current Workspace Common for the all applications Common for the all applications IPv6 Networks default IP Interface Configuration DNS Issues IP Renumbering IP Renumbering For Mobile Wireless Networks IP Mobility For Mobile Ad-hoc Networks For Mobile Ad-hoc Networks IP Routing Wired Network Mobile Wireless Network Home Network Mobile Ad-hoc Network Applicableareas
16 ETRI 6NEAT Project IPv6 Network and Application Testbed IPv6 Network and Application Testbed Developing the IPv6 network infrastructure and Application testbed Developing the IPv6 network infrastructure and Application testbed IPv6 native network Interworking over the TEIN IPv6 native network Interworking over the TEIN Native IPv6 connectivity IPv6 Multicast environment IPv6 native application testbed IPv6 application and protocols IPv6 application and protocols High-quality conference tool (HAT,etc.) Xcast, Mobile IPv6 protocols International Collaboration in Europe International Collaboration in Europe Cooperation with 6WINIT project (2001~) Cooperation with 6WINIT project (2001~) ETRI is a international partner of 6WINIT project ETRI is a international partner of 6WINIT project
17 ETRI 6NEAT Project TEIN: TransEurasia Information Network TEIN: TransEurasia Information Network Continental network between Korea and Europe (will be available soon – Dec 2001) Continental network between Korea and Europe (will be available soon – Dec 2001)
18 ETRI Business Trials Commercial IPv6 Network Trials Vender Trials
19 ETRI Business Trials Commercial IPv6 Network Trials Commercial IPv6 Network Trials 6NGIX (IPv6 Next Generation Internet eXchange) 6NGIX (IPv6 Next Generation Internet eXchange) First IPv6 Exchange Point in Korea ( ~) First IPv6 Exchange Point in Korea ( ~) 6KANet (IPv6 Korea Advanced Network) 6KANet (IPv6 Korea Advanced Network) IPv6 access network for Organizations IPv6 access network for Organizations
20 ETRI Business Trials Vender Trials Vender Trials OPICOM OPICOM Developing the IPv6 xDSL devices Developing the IPv6 xDSL devices 1 st Target: IPv6-enabled DSLAM Device (planned) 1 st Target: IPv6-enabled DSLAM Device (planned) DSLAM + IPv6 + Translator i2Soft i2Soft Verto IPv6 code converter Verto IPv6 code converter Verto IPv6 transware Verto IPv6 transware
21 ETRI Conclusion New Internet Era and IPv6 New Internet Era and IPv6 Korea is committed to adopting and deploying the IPv6 toward the New Internet: Korea is committed to adopting and deploying the IPv6 toward the New Internet: Promotion and Deployment Efforts Promotion and Deployment Efforts Multiple R&D projects Multiple R&D projects Commercial & Business Trials Commercial & Business Trials We strongly believe in IPv6 as a Key-player to go to the New Internet. We strongly believe in IPv6 as a Key-player to go to the New Internet.