Classifying Rocks 3 rock types Sedimentary Igneous Metamorphic
Sediment Rock fragments, minerals, or plant and animal remains that settle out of water or air
Sedimentary Rocks “that which has settled” Formed from sediments Sediments=rocks exposed to weather that have been broken down into very small pieces Formation depends on weathering/erosion Sediments packed into layers Cement together over time
Sediments change into Rock by Pressure Cemented together by new minerals to form rock
Coal Sedimentary rock formed from remains of plants, bark roots, and other plant material that is buried and under pressure Contains NO minerals
Conglomerate Sedimentary rock with pieces of shells, rocks, minerals or other products that are larger than 2 mm cemented together with minerals.
Limestone Sedimentary rock made of shells and skeletons of ocean organisms. Over time the individual shells are no longer visible and become limestone
Sedimentary Rock and Wind Water movement: Larger sediment drops before smaller sediment Wind Direction : Cross- beds, Ripples, Mud Cracks