Amendment - An addition to a formal documents such as the constitution. Annex - To add a territory to ones own territory. Article - Apart of a document,


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Presentation transcript:

Amendment - An addition to a formal documents such as the constitution. Annex - To add a territory to ones own territory. Article - Apart of a document, such as he constitution, that deals with a single object. Adams, Abigail - New Nation’s First Lady.

Blockade - Cut off of n area by means of troops or warships to stop supplies or people from coming in or going out, to close it’s county’s ports. Burgesses - Elected representative too assembly. Backcountry - A region of hills and forest. Bureaucracy - System in which non-elected officials carries out laws & Policies.

Census - official Count of population. Cede - Give up treaty. Cash Crop- Farm raised up to be sold for money. Canal- an artificial waterway.

Davis, Jefferson- President of the confederacy during the Civil War. Democracy - is a form of government that is ran for & by the people, giving them supreme powers. Declaration of Independence- document written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the colonies independence from England. Diversity - variety or differences.

Emancipation – to free from slavery. Export - to sell goods abroad. Embargo - an order of prohibiting trade with another country. Eighth Amendment- Prohibits cruel & unusual punishment & excessive bail or fines.

Federal Debt- the amount of money owed by the government. Freeman - a person freed from slavery. Fugitive - run away or trying to run away. Federalist Papers- Series of essays written by James Madison, John Jay, & Alexander Hamilton defending the Constitution, & the principles on witch the government of the United States where founded.

Guerilla Warfare- a hit and run technique used for fighting in the war, Gettysburg Address- A short speech given by Abraham Lincoln November 19, 1863 at the site of the Battle Of Gettysburg. Great Compromise- Two houses of congress one based on population, the others gave equal representation to each state. Grant S, Ulysses- was the General of the Union Army & was responsible for winning the Civil War in the North.

Hamilton, Alexander- Leader of the Federalist Papers; first treasurer in the U.S & creator of the United States Bank. Killed In A Duel. Henry, Patrick- famous for his speech in favor for American Independence. House of Burgesses- was the first representative assembly in the world. Human Rights - rights regarded as belonging to all people.

Imports - to buy goods from foreign markets. Impressment- forcing people to service; as the Navy. Ironclad - Armed Navel Vessels. Industrial Revolution- Era in witch change from household industries to factory production used powered machinery took place.

Jackson, Andrew- Leader of the original Democratic Party and a President of the people. Responsible for the Trail of Tears, which forced Native Americans West of the Mississippi River. Judicial Review- the right of the Supreme court to determine if a law violates the constitution. Jamestown -the first permanent English settlement that was founded in Judicial Branch- the branch of government including the federal court system that interprets the nations law,

Kansas-Nebraska Act- Two new territories established on the Indian land that lay west of the bend of the Mississippi River. Kansas - Bleeding Kansas Keller, Helen- Leader of Seneca Falls. King George III- was the King of England who disbanded the colonial legislatures, taxes the colonies, & refused the Olive Branch Potation.

Laissez-Faire- policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation’s economy Loyalist- American Colonist who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for Independence Literacy- the ability to read & write. Landside- a overwhelming victory.

Majority- more then half. Manifest Destiny- is the belief that the United States should own all of the land between the Atlantic & the Pacific ocean. Monroe Doctrine- set fourth by James Monroe message to Congress. Militia- a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies.

Nullify- to cancel or make ineffective. Neutral- taking no side in conflict. Naturalization- to grant full citizenship to a foreigner. Northwest Ordinance- policy of establishing the principles & procedures for the orderly expansion of the U.s

Ordinance- a law or regulation. Overseer- a person who supervises a large operation or it’s workers. Override- to turn or to defeat as a bill proposed in congress. Offensive- position of attacking; or the attacking of itself.

Pilgrims- Separatist who journeyed up to the colonies during the 1600’s for religious purpose. Paine, Thomas- wrote pamphlets like “ Common Sense “ & “ The Crisis “ to encourage American Independence & Resolve. Preamble- the introduction to a formal document. Privateer- armed pirate ship.

Quaker- believed that every individual had there own inner light that could guide them to their salvation. Quebec, Battle- British surprise attack defeated the French Army. Qaurting of Troops- when people had to provide a place to sleep & food to eat.

Ratify- to give official approval. Recruit- to enlist soldiers in the army. Republic- nation in which voters choose representatives to govern them. Representative Government- a system of government witch voters elect representatives to make laws for them.

Secede- to leave or withdraw. Secession- withdraw from the Union. Suffrage- the right to vote. Smuggling- trading legally without nations.

Tariff- a tax on imports or exports. Tribute- money paid for Protection. Total War- war on all aspects of enemies life. Toleration- the acceptation of different beliefs.

Unalienable Rights- a right that can’t be surrendered unconstitutional, Not Agreeing.