Baptism SACRAMENT OF GRACE Catechism pp
What Makes a Sacrament Instituted by Christ Commanded, but NOT Something We Do. Sacramental vs. Sacrificial Direction Visible Element Promise /Assurance of Forgiveness a Sacrament?
Baptism is NOT Something We Do. Psalm 51 Ezekiel 36:25-29a Ephesians 5:25-26 Create in me a clean heart, O God. I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean. Christ loved and cleansed the Church by the washing with water through the Word.
Why is the Direction So Important? Sacrament What God Does for Us What We Do for God Sacrifice Power to ForgiveNo Power to Forgive
More Than Plain Water Water included in God’s command and combined with God’s Word. The Power of Baptism Catechism p. 208 Water, Word & Faith
BAPTISM’S POWER The HOLY SPIRIT works through WORDWATER connected to Promises Blessings Creates Faith “WASHING OF REBIRTH” MEANS OF GRACE
Into the Name of the Triune God Numbers 6:27 Ephesians 2:19 They will put My name on the Israelites and I will bless them. You are members of God’s household.
Baptism is a Sacrament for All Nations AdultsChildren All NationsSinfulCan Believe Use Water In the Name of the Triune God
Baptism’s Blessings Forgiveness of Sin Deliverance from Death and the Devil Eternal Salvation God’s ChildAn Heir of Life Catechism p. 204
What Baptism Indicates The Old Adam Who is he? What must happen to him? The corrupt and evil nature that we inherit because of Adam’s fall into sin. Catechism p. 210
Baptism’s Daily Meaning EVERY DAY Buried with Christ Raised with Christ Hate EvilLove Good Put Off Old Adam Put On New Man By Contrition & Repentance Out of Love & Thanks
Baptism is a Sacrament Use Water In the Name of the Triune God All Nations AdultsChildren All NationsSinfulCan Believe
Baptism’s Blessings Forgiveness of Sin Deliverance from Death and the Devil Eternal Salvation God’s ChildAn Heir of Life
Baptism’s Daily Meaning EVERY DAY Buried with Christ Hate Evil Put Off Old Adam By Contrition & Repentance Raised with Christ Love Good Put On New Man Out of Love & Thanks
BAPTISM’S POWER The HOLY SPIRIT works through WORD Promises Blessings Creates Faith connected to WATER “WASHING OF REBIRTH” MEANS OF GRACE