John 4:23,24 “true worshipers in spirit & in truth”
Apostolic Approved Examples 1 Corinthians 16:1,2 Acts 20:7 – Sunday meeting lasted past midnight Acts 12:12 – weeknight for prayer Acts 2:46 – daily in the temple, Lord added saved DAILY Acts 5:42 – daily did not cease teaching & preaching Jesus Christ Acts 16:5 –increased in number daily
Edification “Edify” – “architecture. i.e. a structure; figuratively, confirmation.” “building up” Ephesians 4:12 “edifying of the body of Christ” Ephesians 4:15,16 “grow up in all things” “effective working, every part, growth of body for edifying of itself in love.”
Consider One Another – Provoke Love & Good Works Hebrews 10:19-25 Coming together in congregation: –Worship to God & studying His Word will Move us to more faithful service to Him on a daily basis, & a closer relationship with His people. “assembling of ourselves together” Brethren need us here- Acts 15:32-36
Because We Want To What do You deem to be IMPORTANT or of VALUE? Matthew 22:37 “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” 1 John 5:3 “this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments” Luke 4:8 “Worship the Lord your God, & Him only you shall serve.”
Because We Want To Titus 2:14 “His own special people, zealous for good works.” NOT a bunch of people trying to get out of good works! Titus 3:1 “ready for every good work.” James 4:17 “him who knows to do good & does not do it, to him it is sin.”
Because We Want To You Know when the assemblies of the church are scheduled - Which of them is “not good,” and Why? Chapter and verse? SO- whenever you KNOW & DO NOT, it is SIN! Every Assembly of the church is Important – we should want to be in every assembly that it is possible.
We Are Commanded To Do So Hebrews 10:25 NKJV 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
We Are Commanded To Do So What does this mean? –“This only means quitting the church!” Reason Why Some conclude this: –“Weak in faith” looking for excuse for unfaithfulness in service to God –Looked up “forsake” and concluded – “to leave behind in some place” “Abandon, leave in straits.” –THUS it means to QUIT THE CHURCH
We Are Commanded To Do So Something Strange about This Exegesis: –“manner” – a usage (prescribed by habit or law). –How could someone be in the habit of “quitting the church?” –“Assembling” a complete collection; to gather together…”the ACT of being gathered together or assembled.” –VERB – Action of Assembling! – Not the church as a Body!
We Are Commanded To Do So What is the prohibition here? –The “habit” of NOT assembling with the brethren What can we Learn from This? –Does not apply to those infirm & unable to be in attendance –Does not apply to those faced with circumstances beyond control –God never expects more from us than we are able to do
We Are Commanded To Do So What can we Learn from This? –Every time we make a Conscious Decision to be Absent from the Assembling together of the brethren, it constitutes Forsaking that Assembling !
We Are Commanded To Do So What can we Learn from This? –Every time we make a Conscious Decision to be Absent from the Assembling together of the brethren, it constitutes Forsaking that Assembling ! “That is only neglect, not forsake!” How many neglects would it take to make a Forsake?
We Are Commanded To Do So What can we Learn from This? –Every time we make a Conscious Decision to be Absent from the Assembling together of the brethren, it constitutes Forsaking that Assembling ! “That is only neglect, not forsake!” How many neglects would it take to make a Forsake? This is Wilful Sin! – Hebrews 10:26 What is the Wilful Sin Here? V.25 “Forsaking the assembling of yourselves”
We Are Commanded To Do So What are you saying when you Choose to do something other than meet with God’s people for Worship? –You have decided that there is something more important to you than worshiping God –Are you ready to explain to God what was of such great importance to you? 2 Corinthians 5:10
Who Gets Hurt? 1. Yourself – –Give up Teaching, Learning, Encouragement & choose not to worship the Lord as He wants to be worshiped –Hebrews 3:12 “departing from the living God”
Who Gets Hurt? 2. Others – –Brethren discouraged by absence of those who choose not to assemble –May be a stumbling block to someone –May give someone else excuse they are looking for to not attend –1 Corinthians 8:13 –Romans 14:12
Who Gets Hurt? 3. Your Family – –Ephesians 6:4 “bring them up” –Titus 2:5 “word of God not blasphemed” –Do not learn to place Christ in their lives as a Priority – just something to be skipped when inconvenient –Colossians 3:20 –See as lack of focus on Christ, Hypocrisy –Do your family no favors by not assembling every time the church meets
Who Gets Hurt? 4. Work of Local Congregation – –Fewer to take part, burden on those who do attend –Many will look at the assemblies of the church & see it dwindling, not growing, & so take no time to learn God’s Word –Choosing not to assemble, disregard the Lord’s command & choose to discourage & place a stumbling block in front of others
Who Gets Hurt? 5. Those in the World Around Us– –Not seeing the Light we are to emanate in the world Matthew 5: –Do we show the world that Christ has a prominent place in our lives? –Do they see how deep our convictions are – OR how quick we are to compromise & set our commitment aside for things of this world?
Where Does It Belong? Seeking First Kingdom of God & His Righteousness Attend All Assemblies of Local church Study Bible with Brethren in Classes Those who “shrink back into perdition” Hebrews 10:39 Attend Few if any of the Assemblies Think studying alone is enough
Where Does It Belong? Seeking First Kingdom of God & His Righteousness Attend Gospel Meetings & Special Classes Those who “shrink back into perdition” Hebrews 10:39 Think don’t want to get too much religion – OR just have too many things to do that are more important to me!
Please Give Careful & Prayerful Attention to These Matters They pertain not only to the life that now is, but the life that is to come - 1 Timothy 4:7,8