GATHERING Welcome, Announcements Silent Preparation/ A Candle is lit Call To Worship Four Directions Prayer Opening Hymn Come Touch Our Hearts MV 12 Prayer.


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Presentation transcript:

GATHERING Welcome, Announcements Silent Preparation/ A Candle is lit Call To Worship Four Directions Prayer Opening Hymn Come Touch Our Hearts MV 12 Prayer of Confession and Words of Assurance WORD Lamentations 5:1-22 Hymn: When I Needed a Neighbour VU 600 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 “The Broken Chalice” Rev. Evan Smith Hymn All Who Are Thirsty MV 4 TABLE Communion Liturgy Communion Hymn Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying (VU 400) Prayer After Communion GOING FORTH Prayers of the People Closing Hymn: I the Lord of Sea and Sky VU 509 Sending Forth

. . . silent preparation . . .

Call To Worship One: How Blessed we are that God Forgives us and loves us! All: For all those times when we have fallen short of what God would have us be, we have been forgiven.

One: God makes us new in God’s Spirit All: Now is the Time to joyfully accept the newness of life which God offers to us. One: Come, let us worship and be thankful. All: Let us open our hearts to the peace and joy of God. AMEN.

Four Directions Prayer

Opening Hymn MV 12 Come Touch Our Hearts

Prayer of Confession O Great Creator cleanse our hearts of all stain from sin and brokenness, that we may walk with you along the good road, your holy way. Purify our minds, that we may be guided by your holy word. Clear our eyes that we may see the goodness you have created.

Words of Assurance Open our ears that we may hear your voice. Make our souls one with yours, that we may worship you in spirit and in truth, and love you with all our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. May our hearts always beat as one with yours, through your Great Messenger, your Son, Jesus. Amen Words of Assurance

WORD Lamentations 5:1-22 “Remember Lord, What Has Happened To Us”

Hymn: When I Needed a Neighbour VU 600

2 Corinthians 5:14-21 “The Ministry of Reconciliation”

Message: “The Broken Chalice” -Reverend Evan Smith

. . . silent reflection . . .

Hymn: All Who Are Thirsty MV 4

Table Communion Liturgy (Liturgy prepared by Rev. Evan Smith and other Emmanuel Students for the Good Friday Stations of the Cross in 2012)

Communion Hymn: VU #400 Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord send your Spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace!

Prayer after Communion Eternal God, You comfort the afflicted and heal the broken. You have fed us this day at the table of life and hope. Teach us to walk the ways of gentleness and peace in your world. Keep your people from callous indifference to racism, sexism, and violence that your children from all four directions may flourish in the beautiful life that is your intention for creation. Amen.

Prayers of the People

GOING FORTH Closing Hymn: I, the Lord of Sea and Sky VU 509 Sending Forth

Next week: November 25, 2015 Preaching: The Very Reverend Dr. Lois Wilson “I Want to Be in That Number” All material used with permission or under A-711-187