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Presentation transcript:


Warning against the Colossian Heresy Just as you received Christ Jesus the Lord Continue to walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving

Warning against the Colossian Heresy See to it that no one takes you captive by means of empty and deceitful philosophy according to human tradition according to the elemental spirits of the world not according to Christ for in him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily and you have been filled in him who is head of every ruler and authority in him you were circumcised... in putting of the body of flesh by the circumcision of Christ when you were baptized with him

Warning against the Colossian Heresy in him you were circumcised... in putting of the body of flesh by the circumcision of Christ when you were baptized with him in whom you were also raised through faith in the work of God who raised him form the death And you, who were once dead in your transgressions... God made alive with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, by canceled the debts the written decree against us together with its regulations which opposed us.. nailing to the cross when he disarmed the rulers and authorities he made a spectacle of them by triumphing over them in him.

Warning against the Colossian Heresy 2:6–7 – Paul’s primary concern is that they would grow spiritually mature. He builds upon the indwelling (cf. Col 1:27) and Lordship of Christ (cf. Col 1:15-20) as the basis for their conduct. – The command to walk in Him, as in Col 1:10, is followed by four participle phrases expressing what this involves: (1) being rooted (denotes firmness cf. Eph 3:17); (2) built up; (3) established in the faith (a legal term meaning “confirmed”); (4) overflowing with thankfulness (cf. Col 1:3, 12; 3:15, 16, 17; 4:2). Thus he uses metaphors drawn from agriculture, architecture, the lawcourt, and overflowing with joyful gratitude to describe the attitude and life of a mature Christian.

Warning against the Colossian Heresy 2:8 – Be careful constitutes a strong warning to watch out so that they are not taken captive into the slavery of false doctrines. – The means of this captivity comes through philosophy and empty deceit. – Paul is not against philosophy (lit. “love of wisdom”) per se, but a particular brand of deceitfully hollow and powerless philosophy contrasting the treasures and fullness of Christ (Cf. Col 2:3).

Warning against the Colossian Heresy Human tradition implies its ancient human origin (either Jewish or Gentile) opposed to the divine origin of the gospel. The elemental forces (stoicheia) were most likely astral deities, spirits, and/or angels commonly associated with pagan worship, astrology, and magical practices.

Warning against the Colossian Heresy 2:11-13 – In Christ, believers are identified with Him in that they are spiritually circumcised, buried in baptism, and raised with Him. This identification with Christ is the true means of induction into the people of God. – The reference to circumcision indicates the Jewish nature of this false philosophy. – However, the circumcision of the Messiah was spiritual and should be associated with the “circumcision of the heart” (cf. Dt 10:16; 30:5; Jr 4:4; Ezk 44:7; Rm 2:29). Here it refers to the death of Christ.

Warning against the Colossian Heresy Where circumcision pertains to the death of Christ, baptism relates to His burial (cf. Rm 6: 3-8). A believer’s baptism symbolizes his/her union with Christ in death as well as a complete separation with his/her former life. Likewise, believers are also raised with Him through faith (cf. Gl 2:20) according to God’s power.

Warning against the Colossian Heresy 2:13 – Prior to faith in Christ, the Colossians were spiritually dead in trespasses (cf. Eph 2:1-3) and were cut off from God’s people because they were Gentiles (cf. Eph 2:11-12). However, in Christ, God has made them alive and forgave all their sins (cf. Eph 2:4-8).

Warning against the Colossian Heresy 2:14 – Paul uses vivid imagery of canceling debts and disarming authorities (v. 15) to express the full pardon of sins rendered as a result of the crucifixion.

Warning against the Colossian Heresy The word erased conveys the sense of “wiping out” or “removing” something written on a papyrus sheet. The phrase certificate of debt is further clarified as having obligations that were against and opposed to us. Paul typically views the purpose of the Law as revealing the guilt of sinners (cf. 1Co 15:56; Rm 7:13; Gl 3:10; Dt 27:26). – Some Jewish writings, likewise, speak of God keeping records of people’s sins as debts against them

Warning against the Colossian Heresy 2:15 –These military metaphors are possibly drawn from the customs of victorious Roman generals. God, the subject, disarmed or stripped away the power and dignity of the rulers and authorities. The phrase disgraced them publicly, relates to God humiliating these spiritual rulers in a public spectacle of shame and defeat.

Warning against the Colossian Heresy The word triumphed (cf. 2Co 2:14) evokes the imagery of a triumphal procession where a victorious general would lead a parade to display the booty and prisoners of war from his conquest. This was all accomplished through the reconciliatory work of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension as indicated with the phrase, by Him.