Science Fair Log Book
How do I set up my Log Book? Front Cover-Write your first & last name and Shiloh Middle School Leave the 1st page BLANK Start on Pg. 2 Date goes on top right of page Page number goes on the middle of the bottom Should have at least a half of page in order to be considered an entry Only write on the front of the page Only write in ink
Sample Entry Sept. 4, 2012 Ideas you can write about include: Received proposal Began searching for a topic List websites visited Describe the most helpful sites Decide to work with a partner-why or why not 2
Sample Entry Include the following: Question Hypothesis Choose (1) date September 5 to 10 Include the following: Question Hypothesis Brief summary of idea for project 3
Sample Entry Sept. 14, 2012 Proposal was (approved/not approved/ approved pending changes) Teacher comments 4
Sample Entry Research plan submission Choose (1) date September 17 -20 Research plan submission Look up background information for items to be used in a project List sites & summarized information found Discuss most helpful sites 5