Service Canada and Labour Market Information FLMM 2005 LMI Forum The Role of Labour Market Information in Advancing Economic Prosperity Plenary 4 – Panel.


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Presentation transcript:

Service Canada and Labour Market Information FLMM 2005 LMI Forum The Role of Labour Market Information in Advancing Economic Prosperity Plenary 4 – Panel Discussion – Future Directions November 9, 2005 Remarks by Donna Achimov, ADM, Citizen and Community Service Branch,

2... TRANSFORMING SERVICE TO CANADIANS Service Canada will…  Deliver seamless citizen-centred service  Enhance the integrity of programs  Build a Service Excellence culture  Demonstrate accountable and responsible government  Work as a collaborative, networked government Add Launch pictures

3 OUR SERVICE CHANNELS Call O-Canada  Helpful, bilingual agents  TTY service (for the deaf and speech- impaired) Click  Fast and simple  New and improved services over time Visit Service Canada Centres  320 offices + new mobile outreach services  Community service partners Supported by Processing and Information Technology Centres


5 ORGANIZING INFORMATION AND SERVICES AROUND CLIENTS, COMMUNITY NEEDS AND INTENDED OUTCOMES Strategic Policy (includes program policy)  Define desired outcomes Develop Overall Service Strategy  Establish service principles and direction Develop Segment Service Strategies  Define segment specific service strategy and standards  Design the citizen experience Develop Service Offerings  Define service offering strategy  Select channel preferences Implement Service Offerings  Launch service offerings to channels Deliver Service Offerings  Operate the service offerings in the selected channels  Identify improvement areas and client feedback Service Measurement  Assess citizen satisfaction  Recommend changes to strategic policy and service offerings Service Research  Assess citizen needs, behaviours and expectations Service Strategy Framework

6 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE EXPERIENCE OUR VISION Clients will:  Receive the employment benefits and information that is right for them  Be supported in finding the best pathway to meet their individual needs  Experience easy transfer between departments, programs, service providers and across jurisdictions  Be able to self-serve via the Internet or receive assistance from Service Canada staff in-person, by telephone and by mail  Have access to tools and supports to build their own employment action plan


8 IMPACT ON LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION SERVICES Realigning and building new relationships to…  Conduct labour market research and analysis to build local and regional intelligence  Create, maintain and strengthen networks and partnerships to:  Gather and share information on local and regional labour markets  Undertake joint activities with provinces and stakeholders  Support community development  Provide analytical expertise and advice on local and regional labour market trends and issues to:  Enhance decision-making for program planning and management of operations  Build capacity and self-sufficiency  Reach and serve all Canadians who need employment services and support