Rebel Alliance Red 5 Fall 2014 Angel Rosas Ashley Owens Kyle Kratt Nathan Allen
Angel Rosas Freshman Mechanical Engineering I learned programming and gained knowledge on circuits and sensors I would recommend this course to anyone interested in Robotics
Ashley Owens 2 nd year biological engineering major with a focus in packaging Minor in Business Administration and after this class, a minor in Computer Science I now have a better understanding of motors, breadboards, and sensors I would definitely suggest this class to freshman who are interested in engineering
Kyle Kratt 1 st Semester Freshman Electrical Engineering Major I now have a better understanding of how servos work, how computers keep time, and have learned how to write “and” and “or” in Java I hope to build more robots at UF, whether as part of a class or in a club Always try to push yourself to do the best in any course or club, especially when money is involved
Nathan Allen 1st Semester Freshman Nuclear Engineering This course has taught me some basics of code, which I hope to use on future diy projects of mine. I want to pursue a career Aerospace Nuclear I plan to join participate in some of the engineering clubs, while at UF. “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly” JFK
Robot Story A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... As gold squadron was eliminated during the initial assault on the Death Star's undefended ventilation port, red squadron, the X-wing component of the rebel fleet, had to finish the assault in their place. during the course of the trench run required to reach the port, red squadron was picked off, except for the Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker. Just as Darth Vader has Luke in his tie-fighter's scopes, Han Solo suddenly arrives in the Millennium Falcon to stop Vader, allowing Luke to take the shot and use the force to launch the proton torpedo down the shaft, destroying the space station.