1 Tempus Tempus Workshop Sarajevo 7 June 2006 « Good practice in Preparing an Application » Anne Collette European Training Foundation Tempus Department Website :
2 Good practice Read the Guide for Applicants Use the Tempus website –Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) –Contractual documents –Updates Consult NTO/NCP/Tempus Department Be aware of other HE projects in the PC concerned – past or ongoing Use the application form you find in the Tempus website Tempus
3 Avoid the most common mistakes Do not modify the application form Only the information requested in the application form is assessed (no annexes) Do not assume prior technical or “historical project related” knowledge on the part of the assessor (externals) – define the background and the context Do not submit several similar proposals Tempus
4 Background of the project Demonstrate the relevance of the project in the local/regional context Show link between the PC national HE context & needs to be addressed by the project Identify the needs of major stakeholders Describe clearly the Dept/Faculty/structure directly concerned by project Tempus
5 DIVISION OF ROLES Demonstrate the relevant experience and role of each PC/EU consortium member COMPETENCE Demonstrate the ability of proposed consortium to address the PC Institutions’ needs and to deliver the expected outcomes Consortium Tempus
6 The project Ensure that the project proposal clearly addresses the problem & needs analysis Use the most appropriate methodology (processes/ approaches/ tools and resources) Ensure that the new/up-dated subjects/procedures/courses to be introduced are relevant for the project objective(s) Clearly indicate content of any new/up-dated subjects/procedures & duration/structure Tempus
7 Logical framework Ensure that the LFM is consistent with the previous sections & adequately completed Check the logic of the project demonstrated in the LFM Include indicators of progress realistic & relevant to the project objectives and outcomes Remember to identify & address main assumptions & risks Tempus
8 Workplan Demonstrate that sufficient time has been allocated to implementation & preparation Consider carefully the scheduling & location of activities Ensure the most logical and cost-efficient planning Tempus
9 Outcomes & Activities Define each outcome clearly Ensure a logical progression of outcomes from one project year to the next one Indicate and address assumptions & risks Propose suitable activities to achieve each individual outcome –Remember that you may group reoccurring activities Distribute tasks among consortium members/experts for each activity clearly & appropriately Tempus
10 Outcomes & Activities (ctd.) Indicate and quantify all appropriate target groups Ensure that the inputs requested are directly related to the activities & are cost-efficient Identify, budget & justify relevant equipment Plan appropriate number of individuals, direction and duration of each mobility flow in relation to each activity Tempus
11 Dissemination & Sustainability Consider relevant dissemination & sustainability strategies Think about internal dissemination within PC Institutions & external dissemination activities to others who could benefit Identify suitable tools Consult stakeholders to ensure sustainability Consider and describe what will happen after the end of the project Tempus
12 Quality Control & Monitoring Choose an appropriate quality control strategy (peer reviews, accreditation, surveys) – both internal and external control Plan for regular monitoring measures (quantitative approaches: overall quotas and deadlines for tangible and intangible outputs) Clearly select indicators of progress & tools for assessment appropriate to the activities? Tempus
13 Management of the Project Allocate roles & clear division of responsibilities to each consortium member Integrate the PC consortium members into decision-making and implementation structure Ensure fair decision-making processes & effective communication Tempus
14 Good luck! Call the selection team at the Tempus office or the NTO if needed If selected, read the contract (do not assume that all the activities in the application are eligible) Thanks. Tempus