ESPON TANGO (Territorial Approaches to New Governance) Peter Schmitt and Lisa van Well (Nordregio, Stockholm) ESPON Internal Seminar, Nov. 2011, Krakow, Poland
ESPON TANGO TPG Nordregio (Lead Partner) Delft University of Technology / OTB Research Politecnico di Torino University of Newcastle upon Tyne Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
ESPON TANGO Policy Questions How is multi-level and cross-sector territorial governance organised throughout Europe and what are good mechanisms to ensure coordination between different public sectoral policies and cooperation between different levels of public government (including neighbouring areas)? What role can instruments of national and regional spatial planning systems play in creating better territorial governance? And what other effective models exist to obtain this aim? What happens if such instruments and models are not present? What are the main lessons for future Cohesion Policy, i.e. how can Cohesion Policy encourage stronger and more efficient forms of territorial governance at the different scales?
Key objectives of ESPON TANGO 1)Develop sound typologies of contemporary ‘Territorial Governance’ (TG) practices 2)Examine different forms of “good” TG within 12 in-depth case studies 3)Develop framework and explore conditions for transferability of ‘good TG practices’ 4)Develop user-friendly handbook of good TG practices 5)Demonstrate policy relevant options for creating better performing mechanisms for future Cohesion Policy/EU 2020
1)Develop sound typologies of contemporary ‘TG practices’ Typologies shall help to draw a more general picture of TG across Europe (the case studies will focus on special issues) Literature review across ESPON space/ESPON projects theoretical and evidence-based driven typologies Typologies may integrate good and poor TG practices, but no stigmatisation of certain territories
2)Examine different forms of TG within 12 in-depth case studies selection of 12 meaningful cases, good balance in regards to: -Geographical Coverage, -anticipated mode(s) of governance (Howlett 2009) -addressing EU 2020 Priority Targets/Flagship initiatives, -Territorial Scope -Territorial policy areas addressed -Territorial Governance challenges to be overcome, -Hypothesized “good” or innovative governance element(s) provision of data for the ‘data-driven’ typology of TG
3)Develop framework and explore conditions for transferability of ‘good TG practices’ Framework of good TG practices – some principles (UN-Habitat, EU White Paper, Gupta et al. 2010, Birkmann et al. 2010) : e.g.: subsidiarity / autonomous change, Efficiency, Transparency, Accountability, Civic engagement /participation, Coherence, Learning capacity, Leadership, Coordination across scales and timeframes set of indicators … appropriate weighting by Delphi- Method….feeds into research design for case studies identify barriers/modalities/level of transferability of good TG practices
4)Develop user-friendly handbook address most relevant elements analysed in case studies focus on the mechanisms and instruments that support good TG highlights practical examples, and “story telling”, “Plain English”, focus on the users (who they are and how they use it) include cases that “work” and profile them in text boxes draft version/preliminary lessons from Handbook will be tested within Policy seminar in Brussels Title important/will be published as printed ESPON report
5)Demonstrate policy relevant options for creating better performing mechanisms for future Cohesion Policy/EU 2020 identify “good” practices and their success factors in TG aimed at implementing Cohesion Policy/EU 2020 Examples of local/regional mobilization of “good” territorial governance practices – what works and why ? what are relevant incentives for “good” TG practices into national / regional applications of cohesion policy/Europe 2020 implementation ? …