Aims of the lesson: To finish exploring The Lady of the House of Love. To consider how Carter uses gothic elements in The Company of Wolves and to what effect
Vocab work! Carnivore incarnate Feral muzzle AriaThrenody CanticlesLiebstod PhosphorescentWraith PentacleAcrid Wideawake hatSolstice ProphylacticLycanthrope DiabolicCuneiform ProthalamionPious BenightedVellum TrepidationIntegument IrremediableWalpurgisnacht MetamorphosisFungi disingenuously
One beast and only one howls in the woods by night. The wolf is carnivore incarnate and he’s as cunning as he is ferocious; once he’s had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do. At night, the eyes of wolves shine like candle flames, yellowish, reddish, but that is because the pupils of their eyes fatten on darkness and catch the light from your lantern to flash it back to you – red for danger; if a wolf’s eyes reflect only moonlight, then they gleam a cold and unnatural green, a mineral, a piercing colour. If the benighted traveller spies those luminous, terrible sequins stitched suddenly on the black thickets, then he knows he must run, if fear has not struck him stock-still. But those eyes are all you will be able to glimpse of the forest assassins as they cluster invisibly round your smell of meat as you go through the wood unwisely late. They will be like shadows, they will be like wraiths, grey members of a congregation of nightmare; hark! his long, wavering howl... an aria of fear made audible. The wolfsong is the sound of the rending you will suffer, in itself a murdering. Contrast to the title? Emphasises power and isolation? The pronoun could convey Carter’s view of men as predatory The motif of clothing suggests that men are portrayed as beasts as stock characters Could also suggest that humans are keeping company of wolves The wolves are united! They are pack animals and predatory. The Company of Wolves The structure of the sentence is also isolated
How does Carter use language to present the wolves in the story?
Did my partner: 1)Use appropriate critical vocabulary and have a structured coherent argument? 2)Consider how language structure and form shapes meaning? 3)Did my partner link language to the gothic? 4)Did my partner explore Carter’s message? 5) Answer the question? /5
Home Learning Read and annotate Wolf Alice Due: next lesson!