Our Perfect Planets By Danielle McParland
Mercury Mercury takes only 88 Earth-days to orbit around the Sun. During the day, temperatures on Mercury can reach over 800° F. At night, the temperature can drop to almost – 300° F. Mercury’s craters were caused when comets and asteroids struck the surface billions of years ago.
Venus Venus means “Beautiful White One” in China. Temperatures on Venus can climb to 900° F. Venus is the second planet from the Sun.
Earth The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Earth is just right for humans to live on. A year on Earth is 365 days long.
Mars Mars is only half the size of Earth. Mars was named the “Red Planet” because it was red. Only on the hottest summer days, the temperature rises above zero degrees.
Jupiter Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System. Jupiter is right next to the asteroid belt.
Saturn Saturn is ten times as wide as Earth. Saturn is the planet with the ring. The temperature on Saturn may drop to 365° F.
Uranus Uranus is a sideways planet. Uranus rotates in the opposite direction of the four outer planets. Uranus remains in daylight for half its year.
Neptune Winds on the surface of Neptune reach 600 miles per hour. From a distance Neptune appears blue and seems to have a red rim around it. Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun.
Pluto Pluto is the smallest of all the planets and much different than other planets. Pluto is called a planetoid or a dwarf planet. Pluto only has one moon.
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