By Lisa Costantini of POAC-NoVA 18 October 2008
There are two types of assessments: »Division-wide »State
Assessments chosen by LEA (Local Educational Agency) May change every year Given in addition to SOLs
Kindergarten-PALS (Phonemic Assessment) 1st Grade-ECAP (Early Childhood Assessment Package) DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) 2 nd Grade-DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) CogAt 3 rd Grade-Naglieri 3 rd Grade-8 th Grade- BART (Preparation Tool for SOL Testing)
QRI-Qualitative Reading Inventory Brigance-6 versions spanning from elementary grades to high school ABLLS-Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills
You can get a copy of your child’s Brigance-simply ask your teacher. The QRI and DRA work well together as a reading assessment and can be used once per quarter. If you periodically update the ABLLS, you can give it to your teacher as a means of tracking progress.
Allowable accommodations are listed with each test. Testers must be trained to administer particular assessments. Testing-or not testing-is an IEP team decision. Some tests can be used as substitute tests.
Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Forms of the SOL Assessment Regular SOL without accommodations Regular SOL with standard accommodations Regular SOL with non-standard accommodations Substitute Test for Verified Credit ( i.e.-IB Math Studies instead of Algebra I) VGLA (Virginia Grade Level Alternative Assessment Program) VSEP (Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program) Substitute tests for the certification of the literacy and/or numeracy requirements for the Modified Standard Diploma
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) –There is only one form of this assessment –State standards have been “reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity or modified to reflect pre-requisite skills”
It is an IEP team decision as to which test your child will take. Students who participate in the SOL, VGLA or VSEP assessments follow the Standards of Learning (curriculum). Students who participate in the VAAP assessment must follow the Aligned Standards of Learning (curriculum). If your child’s Program of Studies (POS) changes (from ASOL to SOL) the IEP team can change the assessment choice.
The basic criteria for the VGLA and the VSEP is the inability of the student to show his/her knowledge through a multiple choice format assessment. The IEP can specify that division-wide assessments (like the DRA or the QRI) be part of the VAAP portfolio.
Is the test (division or state-wide) appropriate? –Can your child show his/her ability through this test? What can my child take instead? –What assessment does the county or state offer that would work better with my child?