Pathways for ABE Students into Developmental Education Presented by: Ety Bischoff Howard Price Florinda Rodriguez 2015 American Association of Community Colleges, San Antonio, TX
Six Campuses throughout the Rio Grande Valley Starr County Campus Rio Grande City Nursing & Allied Health Campus McAllen Pecan Campus McAllen Technology Campus McAllen Mid Valley Campus Weslaco STC Virtual Campus
Today’s Learning Outcomes Knowledge of some Developmental English and Reading initiatives at STC Texas Rules Success Data analysis of students who test into ABE levels and then entered the lowest level of Developmental Education available at South Texas College. Pathways the South Texas College Developmental Reading and English departments designed for students who test into ABE levels.
Developmental Initiatives at STC STC NEXT GENERATION LEARNING CHALLENGES Learner Web/Directed Self Placement (DSP) Became the foundation for our present NCBs Students with higher developmental scores self-place in either A developmental class ENGL 1301 with web-based diagnostics and remediation ENGL 1301 without web-based support Developmental Education Initiative (DEI) at south Texas college Two Strategic Interventions Case Management Approach to Student Success Integrative Contextualized Curriculum
Reducing Course levels From 6 courses to 3 Until Spring 2013: ENGL0071/0081/0091 READ0070/080/090 By Fall 2013 there were only two levels in each: ENGL0100 and ENGL0200 READ0100 and READ0200 From Fall 2015 there will be only one level of each and a higher level INRW class. READ0100, ENGL0100, INRW
Texas Success Initiative (TSI) The Texas Success Initiative Assessment had been developed by the Texas state 78 th Legislature in 2011 under House Bill 1244 to approve adoption of a single assessment to help ensure student success at institutions of higher education. Texas Education Code Sec TSI requires that all incoming students enrolling at Texas public institutions of higher education be assessed academically to determine their level of college- readiness in Reading, Writing, and Math. Implementation Date of the TSI Assessment: Institution’s first class day AY
New Rules in Texas Fall 2013 In Texas, all Developmental Education is regulated by the legislature and their house and senate bills are mandatory once they have passed. From Accuplacer and THEA to TSI From Developmental only to Developmental and ABE placement The ABE levels Diagnostics The TSI score print out The Role of Continuing Ed
Placement options after TSI ABE levels 1-6 ENGL0100 or READ0100 or both Developmental levelsENGL0200, READ0200, INRW College ReadyAcademic coursework
N = 302 N = 285 N = 576 N = 1163
ENGLISH SUCCESS RATES Year Total Students ABE Level Completed 0100 Persisted into 0200 Completed 0200 Spring % (20)35% (11)32% (10) % (46)43% (29)38% (26 Fall % (56) not yet available % (160) not yet available
32% (10 of 31) Pass ENGL 0100 / 0200
38% (26 of 68) Pass ENGL 0100 / 0200
N = 1632 N = 772 N = 340 N = 520
READING SUCCESS RATES Year Total students ABE Level Completed 0100 Persisted Completed 0200 Fall % (34)54% (28) 39% (12) % (123)80% (99) 40% (67) Spring % (8)41% (12) 21%(6) % (31)63% (37) 34% (20) Fall % (6) not yet available % (110)79% (132) not yet available
21% (6 of 29) Pass READ 0100 / 0200
34% (20 of 59) Pass READ 0100 / 0200
Adult Basic Education College Ready College Ready Developmental Education Developmental Education PLACEMENTPLACEMENT PLACEMENTPLACEMENT INITIAL TSI ASSESSMENT PLACEMENT
English 0100 College Ready College Ready TSI NCBW 0300 Co-Enrolled NCBW 0300 Co-Enrolled INRW 0304 Integrated Reading and Writing INRW 0304 Integrated Reading and Writing INRW 0304 INRW 0304 English 1301 NCBW 0300 Stand Alone NCBW 0300 Stand Alone NCBW 0300 Co-Enrolled NCBW 0300 Co-Enrolled English 1301 NCBW 0300 Stand Alone NCBW 0300 Stand Alone TSI
Reading 0100 NCBR 0300 Stand Alone NCBR 0300 Stand Alone INRW 0304 Integrated Reading and Writing INRW 0304 Integrated Reading and Writing College Ready College Ready TSI NCBR 0300 Co-Enrolled NCBR 0300 Co-Enrolled INRW 0304 INRW 0304 English 1301, History 1301, 1302, Govt 2305, 2306 NCBR 0300 Stand Alone NCBR 0300 Stand Alone NCBR 0300 Co-Enrolled NCBR 0300 Co-Enrolled History 1301, 1302, Govt 2305, 2306, etc. NCBR 0200 Co-Enrolled NCBR 0200 Co-Enrolled TSI
Placement Score ABE 1-4 Placement Score ABE 1-4 ACE My Foundation LAB ACE My Foundation LAB Dev ESOL 51 Reading Vocabulary Course Dev ESOL 51 Reading Vocabulary Course Dev ESOL 52 Grammar Course Dev ESOL 52 Grammar Course TSI PLACEMENT ACE ESL Course ACE ESL Course ESOL PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT ADVISEMENTADVISEMENT ADVISEMENTADVISEMENT Developmental Education ESOL and Adult Basic Education ESOL and Foundation Lab Pathways Developmental Education ESOL and Adult Basic Education ESOL and Foundation Lab Pathways TSI
Conclusions for Consideration For ABE levels 5,6: continue to place into lowest level of Developmental classes Given that ABE level students 1-4 make it through developmental classes and into an academic class, it is probably better to provide financial aid eligible developmental education before making final ABE level placement decisions For the 1,2 level ABE level students, rather than referral to CE, try My Foundation Lab software and/or Dev. Ed. ESOL first.
Questions? The N.A.D.E.’s motto: Helping underprepared students prepare, prepared students advance, and advanced students excel.