The Role Collecting Evidence Plays In Our Classrooms Amy Pregulman Stanley British Primary School 2014
Our Time Together Guiding Questions: *How are we meeting each child’s needs in reading? * How do we know we are meeting their needs? Learning Objectives * I can articulate the difference between Diagnostic, Formative and Summative Assessment *I can articulate the purpose of Running Records and Dibels *I can reflect and discuss assessment to inform instructional next steps
Data and Assessment Gathering or collecting points of information over a period of time to inform instruction and learn about individual students, classrooms, schools etc. Formal and informal
Diagnostic: pre-assessment Formative: on-going assessment for learning. Summative: assessment of learning
Purpose of Assessment To assist student learning To identify students’ strengths and weaknesses To assess and improve the effectiveness of curriculum programs To assess and improve teaching To communicate with and involve parents.
Diagnostic Assessment Pre-assessment Designed to determine a students’ entry point into learning objectives. What do they know now? Photo on driver’s license How does where they are effect my instruction? Essential for planning for student needs and differentiation to meaningfully support student learning Builds off students’ readiness, interests, learning profile
Running Records Collect data in an efficient manner Consistent Based on Marie Clay’s work in Reading Recovery
Running Records
You Tube Videos Videos
Just Right Books Current Research: Independent Level Text High Interest: self-selected 95% accuracy rate (levels A-K) 98% accuracy rate (levels L-Z) High level of fluency and comprehension Readers need lots and lots of JR texts to get to be better readers Solve words easily Read fluently Comprehend easily
Formative Assessment Conferences Note taking Observations Rubrics Gives immediate feedback to student
Conferring Conferring is in addition to the mini-lessons you are doing with the whole group. It will not be as productive or as useful if this is the only kind of teaching going in the class.
Using Assessment To Pull Small Groups Reading level Fluency Comprehension strategies
Diagnostic : pre-assessment Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Dibels WIST WADE QRI DRA Formative : on-going assessment for learning, helps identify teaching points, next steps -rubrics, conferring, observations… Summative: assessment of learning- tests (GRE, SAT…etc)
Reflection What is the purpose of running reading assessments? What is diagnostic, formative and summative assessment? Questions?