OVERVIEW Background Vocabulary Review Learning Targets (UBD Framework) Embedding Assessment into Balanced Literacy Components Low Tech and High Tech Options
ASSESSMENT TERMINOLOGY Pop Quiz Write 2 things you know about formative assessment.
ASSESSMENT TERMINOLOGY Card Matching Resources: Understanding Assessment : Center for Applied Linguistics Understanding Assessment : Center for Applied Linguistics Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation – Carnegie Melon
TWO FORMATIVE OPTIONS Which was better? Why?
DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENTS First assessments of the school year More global – focused on strengths/weaknesses Examples Developmental Reading Assessment Qualitative Reading Inventory Fountas and Pinnel Benchmark PALS * TOPA Kindergarten Spelling Inventory Developmental Spelling Assessment Thrively
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT UBD Framework (Sources: Wiggins/Chappius) Know your expectations Learning Targets Formative assessment informs instruction!
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN WHOLE GROUP READING Strategies for Shared Reading or Read-aloud Need to move beyond the hand raising – consider engagement
FORMATIVE OPTIONS FOR WHOLE GROUP Low Tech Reading Buddies – Turn and Talk Four Corners – visit a corner for an answer that you support Wipe Boards Thumbs up / Thumbs down Yes / No Cards Exit Tickets / Post-it Notes Retelling Shapes (Shape Go Map) Poll / Voting Checklists Timely Tips
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT WHOLE GROUP READING High Tech Ipad camera / video Apple TV – use Airplay to project anything from an Ipad Plickers Plickers Active Expressions: Clickers Socrative Socrative Kahoot! Quizziz
USING FORMATIVE DATA 1. Must provide specific feedback in relation to the learning target 2. Students share in the process and take ownership of their learning 3. New instruction is shaped by results
FEEDBACK Education expert Dylan William identifies two key aspects of effective feedback: it must “identify any gaps between a desired learning goal and the student’s present status towards that learning goal, and 2) students must take action to close that gap. understand-classroom-assessments- working/#sthash.aM5BcOjn.dpuf understand-classroom-assessments- working/#sthash.aM5BcOjn.dpuf
MINDFUL MOMENT Take a moment to reflect on what you have heard/learned so far. Share with a partner What will you try? Do you have other formative assessments to suggest?
SMALL GROUP READING Size helps! Easier to provide feedback with fewer students Learning Targets Oral Reading : Running Records and Anecdotal Notes Ideas for organization Retrospective Miscue Analysis Comprehension: use whole group formative assessments
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT OPTIONS FOR SMALL GROUP Low Tech (Same as Whole Group +) Fan and Pick Story Elements Question Stems Organization: Reading Notebooks or Post-it Notes to save responses High Tech Ipads / Clickers Fry Words App
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR INDEPENDENT READING Goal is student independence and ownership. Consider the learning target when determining the appropriate assessment. Is your focus stamina… reflection… connections… lifelong reading…??
FORMATIVE OPTIONS FOR INDEPENDENT READING Low Tech Options (All others plus) Reading Journal Reading Log High Tech Options Razkids Edmodo Voice Thread Book Recommendations with QR code access
WHAT ABOUT RUBRICS? Formative or Summative? High tech and low tech? meaningful-rubric rubric.html
FINAL REMINDERS! Formative assessment is a part of regular instruction. Formative assessment must be driven by learning targets. Our goal is “Spend less time assessing and do more with the information you already have.” Hattie (Visible Learning) found that formative evaluation had a significant instructional impact (.9).
RESOURCES Hattie strategies-to-improve-student-learning/ strategies-to-improve-student-learning/ matter.html?m=1 matter.html?m=1 leadership/oct07/vol65/num02/The-Perils-and-Promises-of-Praise.aspx leadership/oct07/vol65/num02/The-Perils-and-Promises-of-Praise.aspx troy-hicks troy-hicks
DISCLAIMER Reference within this presentation to any specific commercial or non-commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Department of Education.
CONTACT INFORMATION Jennifer Haws Annette Conley