APS Committee Orientation Welcome APS Subject Matter & General Policy Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs Pasadena CA August 1, 2015
Welcome Mary E. Palm Senior Councilor-at-Large Eric Tedford Councilor-at-Large Lindsey J. du Toit Councilor-at-Large
Thank You APS is a non-profit organization that would not exist were it not for the dedication and tireless work of member volunteers like you The health and success of APS relies on the efforts of our committee volunteers
Welcome During Committee Orientation we’ll:During Committee Orientation we’ll: –Review APS vision and priorities –Discuss your role in leading APS –Outline committee chair logistics –Answer your questions First, introductions: Name, affiliation, and committee
Vision is about knowing where you want to be in the future, what you want to accomplish, how you want others to perceive you … and understanding what challenges and opportunities lay along your path APS Vision
The APS will be a diverse, global community of scientists that: provides credible and beneficial information related to plant health;provides credible and beneficial information related to plant health; advocates and participates in the exchange of knowledge with the public, policy makers, and the larger scientific community;advocates and participates in the exchange of knowledge with the public, policy makers, and the larger scientific community; and promotes and provides opportunities for scientific communication, career preparation, and professional development for its members.and promotes and provides opportunities for scientific communication, career preparation, and professional development for its members. APS Vision
Current APS Priorities Future education of plant pathologists Value of publications and the website International collaborations Plant health education and research funding advocacy, e.g., the Phytobiomes Initiative
As gathering points for expertise, committees play a crucial role in keeping APS a vibrant and vital organization, connected to its grassroots … and help APS achieve its vision. Committees
Councilors-at-Large Serve as a conduit between committees and CouncilServe as a conduit between committees and Council Provide support for new committee ideasProvide support for new committee ideas Help committees increase year-round activityHelp committees increase year-round activity Answer questionsAnswer questions
APS is you … More than 900 APS members volunteer to: 1.Run the society's governance 2.Effect public policy 3.Develop program content 4.Review manuscripts 5.Conduct outreach activities 6.Organize research, networking and development activities
Councilors-at-Large (CALS) Current Senior CAL – Mary PalmSenior CAL – Mary Palm ‘Intermediate’ CAL – Eric Tedford‘Intermediate’ CAL – Eric Tedford ‘Junior’ CAL – Lindsey du Toit‘Junior’ CAL – Lindsey du Toit Senior CAL – Eric TedfordSenior CAL – Eric Tedford CAL – Lindsey du ToitCAL – Lindsey du Toit CAL – Paul VincelliCAL – Paul Vincelli
Each Leader has the opportunity to use their creative talents to strengthen their committee and our scientific society Our goal is to have committees play a more active role in society activities year-round Committee Leadership
Drive APS priorities! Help develop new services, products, and online sessions Provide input on public policy Recognize key contributions via Volunteer Award Nominate and promote candidates for office Committee Activities
Session Planning Planning should largely occur prior to the annual meetingPlanning should largely occur prior to the annual meeting To help facilitate advanced planning, the session submission site will be open for the entire yearTo help facilitate advanced planning, the session submission site will be open for the entire year
Successful Session Proposals Complete proposalComplete proposal –All authors, titles, and session abstract submitted before the annual meeting Co-sponsorshipCo-sponsorship –Work with other committees to coordinate and co-sponsor sessions
Outstanding Volunteer Award 2016 Please discuss with your committees and nominate a deserving volunteer for the 2016 award!Please discuss with your committees and nominate a deserving volunteer for the 2016 award! Your opportunity to recognize a fellow volunteerYour opportunity to recognize a fellow volunteer
Committee Composition Chair – 1 year termChair – 1 year term Vice-chair – 1 year term, then rotates to ChairVice-chair – 1 year term, then rotates to Chair – elected by committee members – elected by committee members Members – no term limitMembers – no term limit
Committee Chair Chairs have a 2 consecutive term limit (a chair term is 1 year)Chairs have a 2 consecutive term limit (a chair term is 1 year) Chair position limits: may only serve as chair or vice chair of one of the same committee type at a time, i.e., Subject Matter or General PolicyChair position limits: may only serve as chair or vice chair of one of the same committee type at a time, i.e., Subject Matter or General Policy
Committee Membership Communicate with members about activities/issuesCommunicate with members about activities/issues AdvertiseAdvertise –Phytopathology News –APS News Capsule –Blogs –APS Facebook –APS LinkedIn –APS Twitter –APS YouTube Channel December 2011
Committee Members Membership Open to allOpen to all No limit to number of membersNo limit to number of members No term limitsNo term limits Members may serve on as many committees as they would likeMembers may serve on as many committees as they would like Encourage members to participateEncourage members to participate nvite.aspx
Committee Website
SharePoint collaborative websites can be designed for your committee Please contact Cindy Scheller at org to start up your site! org org Collaborative Website
Annual committee reports Submit your completed Annual Committee Report Form within one week after the annual meeting. Find the report form and other information at: mm/Pages/CommOrientation.aspx mm/Pages/CommOrientation.aspx Then submit the form at: youts/apsforms/commreports.aspx youts/apsforms/commreports.aspx
Your annual report is important Keep Council and CALs informed about scientific issues, your activities, new ideas, etc.Keep Council and CALs informed about scientific issues, your activities, new ideas, etc. Allow CALs to connect committees with common interests or proposed activitiesAllow CALs to connect committees with common interests or proposed activities Each committee report will be posted as a pdf file so other committee members can learn about your activitiesEach committee report will be posted as a pdf file so other committee members can learn about your activities
At the meeting Chair and Vice Chair Orientation Saturday, 8/01, 3:00-4:30 pm Logistics Get and share leadership tools and ideas on being an outstanding committee leader Program Planning Orientation Wednesday, 8/05, 10:00-11:30 am Attend if your committee is proposing a session for the 2016 Annual Meeting
Additional Guidelines Current roster is included in your packets Manual of Operations (MoO) provides full details/job description Committee roster on the website ( apsleadership/comm) provides most up- to-date listing directly from APS database
Questions Additional questions, comments or ideas? Contact any Councilor-at-LargeAdditional questions, comments or ideas? Contact any Councilor-at-Large Committee info on APSnet at commCommittee info on APSnet at comm comm comm Contact Cindy Sheller at Cindy Sheller at
We Need Your Input Traditionally, CAL’s visit with each committee during the committee meetingsTraditionally, CAL’s visit with each committee during the committee meetings –Provide direct updates on Council activities –Get input on anything your committee wants relayed to Council Is stopping in during your committee meeting beneficial or not?Is stopping in during your committee meeting beneficial or not? - Is there a better way to communicate with you? Think about this, ask your committee members, and provide us feedback
Thank You! For your continued service to our Society /