Introduction In each society we can find heroes. They are really important for our culture, since they are icons that help us to improve our personality.
Hero - Definition A man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength. A champion: someone who fights for a cause.
Types of Hero A Man that changes the world. Founders of cities. A person killed in war. A person that saved someone's life. A politician that introduced good laws and projects.
Hero - Main Attributes Courage, Attitude, Faith, Conscious and fully compromised with the True. Fully prepared to fight against evil and injustice. Strong awareness of the environment and its main features. Love and care with people. Charismatic personality.
Hero - Main Enemies Greed (desire to obtain more money or material possessions or bodily satisfaction than one is considered to need). Envy (desire for another's traits, status, abilities or things). Selfishness.
The Anti-Hero The vigilante (the means justify the ends) – Batman. The developing hero – Hans Solo. The drifter – A man with no name. The failure – Dom Quixote. The noble criminal – Robin Wood. The monster – Lestat (interview with the vampire)
The Greatest Hero A Man that has changed the world main concept of life and death. Sharing, Forgiveness and Love are the most important keys of His teachings. We are always learning with his messages.