Energy Efficient Heating for Churches Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Beautiful but Cold Very High Ceilings Large Single Glazed Windows Minimal Wall Space Very Poor Overall Insulation Value When heating a church many variables must be taken into account. Old and Fragile Timbers & Masonry Choosing the correct heating system is vital Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Choosing The Correct Heating System! Primarily the first question to ask yourself should be... “Why are we planning to heat our church?” “To heat our congregation” And the most probable answer will be... Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Choosing The Correct Heating System! Also without doubt your other primary concerns will be... Running Costs Installation Costs & Time Servicing Costs Overall Efficiency for the Primary Objective “To heat our congregation” Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Efficient Heating Warm People Minimal Running Costs + = Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Gas Heating Systems The law of physics define that hot air rises. Why Pay To Heat The Ceiling! Constant use to maintain an ambient temperature Expensive serving & maintenance Risk of freezing and leaks when not in use Other factors that all contribute to the overall running costs Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Hot Air and Convection Heating Systems As the system warms up the warm air produced rises into the ceiling space Most of your Heating Costs end up here! Fragile timbers and masonry are exposed to prolonged and excessive temperatures. Hot air accumulates at the highest point, only when it starts to cool will it fall into the lower levels Hot air heating systems need to run longer in order to FILL the whole room so people may feel the benefit. This is inefficient and expensive. Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
With the Cooltouch Heating System Pay As You Go Heating You have Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Your Primary Objective Is Achieved Direct Heat To Your Congregation Nobody likes to sit in the coldA Simple Click Of A Switch Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Primary Object – Complete Cooltouch is literally Heating-On-Demand You only pay for when you need it “But what about the Running Cost?” and not a Penny more!
Running Costs We have three examples
When Not In Use Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
When Not In Use Why pay to keep an empty building warm! Running Cost Total Running Cost = £ 0.00 per Hour = 0 Total Energy Usage Cooltouch Heaters gives you Heat-On-Demand Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
Sunday Service Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
5 Pews - 3.0m Long Seating 30 People Total (6 People per Pew) Watts Total Power Usage per Pew 3500 kW Overall Power Usage 3500 kW ÷ 30 People = 117 Watts / Person 117 per kW = 1.8p per Person / Hr. Sunday Service Church Stats Heating Stats Running Cost 3500 per kW = £ 0.56 per Hour per Person Total Energy Usage = Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
A Full Congregation Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
28 Pews - 3.0m Long Seating 168 People Total (6 People per Pew) Watts Total Power Usage per Pew kW Overall Power Usage kW ÷ 168 People = 117 Watts / Person 117 per kW = 1.8p per Person / Hr. A Full Congregation Church Stats Heating Stats Running Cost per kW = £ 3.14 per Hour per Person Total Energy Usage = Cooltouch Heaters Ltd
What next? Ask for more information Ask for a demonstration of the heaters Visit a church with the heaters installed