PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS THAT SHOW THE GREATEST PROMISE OF SUCCESS A clear, directive focus, including basic accurate information about risks, and ways to avoid sexual activity. Goals, methods and materials are appropriate to the student population, providing active learning strategies. The program is of sufficient length of time, taught by teachers who believe in the program. Strategies are used that have been effective in reducing other risk-taking behavior in students (e.g. modeling and practicing refusal skills, addressing social pressures on sexual behavior). Focus on setting and striving for long-range educational, career, and personal goals.
STRATEGIES FOR ENCOURAGING ABSTINENCE Educate teens about media pressure -- how their values and future health are being manipulated for media profit Provide classroom training and speakers throughout the year to promote risk elimination Encourage high grades & future goals Encourage teacher participation through in-service workshops
AGE AT INITIATION OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY MAY INCREASE NUMBER OF SEXUAL PARTNERS If a girl’s age at first intercourse was < 16 years old 16 years old 17 years old 18 years old 19 years old > 20 years old The number of lifetime partners was: only 1 partner >5 partners 11.3% 58.1% 18.6% 44.7% 17.3% 44.4% 26.0% 37.0% 37.6% 27.4% 52.2% 15.2% Vital and Health Statistics, 1997 The Medical Institute for Sexual Health
WHAT TEENS SAY Over 90% of 1000 teens polled believe that abstinence should be taught and urged by society. 58% of teens felt that sexual activity is inappropriate for high school students. [The Indianapolis Star 5 May 2000 reported findings from National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy; from 6/2000 CPR News]
PROTECTIVE FACTORS IN STUDENTS’ LIVES THAT SHOW THE GREATEST INFLUENCE ON DELAYING SEXUAL ACTIVITY * Family Factors High levels of parent-family connectedness Parental disapproval of their adolescent being sexually active Parental disapproval of their adolescent using contraception School Factors School connectedness Attending school with high average daily attendance Some Individual Factors Pledge to remain a virgin Higher grade point average * JAMA, 1997
Chastity THE TOP 20 BENEFITS real love eliminate risks honor integrity / wholeness peace of mind emotional health self-respect clear conscience freedom to accomplish your goals Clarity of mind better relationships better marriage good judgement in relationships maturity positive self-image reduced stress purposeful dating romance mystery
CHARACTER-BASED ABSTINENCE UNTIL MARRIAGE EDUCATION PROMOTES... Good character Self-control Loyalty Responsibility Commitment Honesty Self-Discipline Integrity Trust Respect
What Students Wrote After participating in an abstinence-until-marriage program (WAITS) in their public schools, students had the opportunity to anonymously write their thoughts about abstinence and the classroom program. These students were taught using the Teen-Aid junior and senior high curricula; however, most students respond positively to any abstinence-only program.
What Students Wrote When asked what students would add to the training, a typical response was “more time for the classes.” [liked best] “That I can wait till I’m married to have sex.” “I like knowing that people care about teenagers enough to encourage them to practice abstinence.”
What Students Wrote “I think this was a great program! It was interesting. I can’t wait till somebody comes back!” “Thank you for understanding what us girls are going through!… a Big THANKS!” [high school male] “Well, I thought I knew it all about sex, but now I see that I don’t! It was awesome!”
What Students Wrote “That you wanted to help us.”[7th girl] “I liked this course; it explained sex to me a lot better than those ‘Teen People’ books.” “This course was great.”
What Students Wrote “I loved this course. I believe that it can really open eyes. Thank you for caring enough to show us.” “Make the classes last longer than just 6 weeks. They flew by!” “I’m feeling really very good!”
What Students Wrote “I really enjoyed it! (In the start, I did not think I would) “I think that this is a really good class to be in and we should try to get more people involved.” “Y’all went over everything to help me abstain from sex! Thanks.”
What Students Wrote “I would not change anything because this class is wonderful!” “I liked the class the way it is, especially without the boys.”
What Students Wrote Another 8th grade boy: “Make it longer [the course], because it went by too fast and we still have questions.” “I would add that the program be all year!”[9th girl] “I wish we would have this course more often.”[10th]
What Students Wrote “I would like for this class to be an everyday class so we’ll not go the wrong path.”
What Students Wrote “It explains a lot of important issues that you need to think about before deciding to have sex.” [10th girl] “Keep up the good work.” [10th girl] “GREAT JOB!! Continue to come to classes and teach them about abstaining.” [10th girl]
What Students Wrote “I liked everything about the course because students have a better understanding of what teen sex and outside of marriage sex can do to you.” “It was a cool class.” [boy] “I wouldn’t change anything because it taught me to abstain from sex, drugs, etc.”
What Students Wrote “I like knowing that people care about teenagers enough to encourage them to practice abstinence.” [10th grade girl]