Guddi Baji project is a perfect example of creating livelihoods for youth in a sustainable manner It is an extensive program through which young women (aged 18-30) as Guddi Bajis will benefit two ways – − by selling Unilever brands & beauty services to women in their vicinity − by mobilizing incentives tied to sales of Unilever brands, which will help them establish their own beauty parlors/enterprises Guddi Bajji -Introduction Who are Guddi Bajis ? Guddi Bajis are energetic & articulate women who are aware of hygiene and beauty facts, the specific brands & are enthusiastic about sharing information with many more This program will give Guddi Baji the opinion leadership they need to sell & promote Unilever beauty brands Guddi Bajjis are women with an entrepreneurial spirit who are interested in earning a dignified livelihoods They are carefully headhunted by BRC from rural areas/villages by virtue of the aforementioned qualities
Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) began the program in collaboration with the Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA), Unilever Pvt. Limited (UPL) Pakistan and the Department of Schools – seeking Government Secondary Schools as hosts in districts Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalpur in 2010 and MOU with TEVTA sehttp:// A Unique Partnership Selection Criteria Matriculate (grade X) Belongs to a village having a minimum population of 5000 and maximum i.e. 700 – 1500 HHs Confident & Presentable Desire to grow & earn extra income Eager to work with UPL for 3-years at least Agrees that if she leaves the contract then she will pay back the course fee (Rs.12000) Will act as messengers of social change delivering Seven Key Messages
Expert at application of Mehndi, Make-up, Facial, Hair cutting & 30 different of styling, Manicure & Pedicure, etc Accomplishment of Guddi Bajis Trainings Venues and Status of GUDDI BAJI Phase 1
Modalities, Scope & Scale Selling beauty services Selling Unilever brands Rewards against sales (2012) 900 (2012) 2500 (2013) 2500 (2013) 4000 (2014) 4000 (2014) 6500 (2015) 6500 (2015)
Towns Targeted in 2012
SEVEN KEY MESSAGES THROUGH GUDDI BAJI ACROSS PAKISTAN Registration of Children at Birth Exclusive breastfeeding of infants for the first four months. No use of bottles, teats or pacifiers. Ante-natal care for pregnant mothers and immunization of children Wash hands before meals and after using the toilet Send children, especially girls, to school at the right age Practice family planning; engage with the local Lady Health Worker (LHW). Respect for Environment.: conserve water, minimize use of plastic bags; plant your own vegetables Respect for Environment.: conserve water, minimize use of plastic bags; plant your own vegetables