plasmino in graphene at finite temperature? Daqing Liu Changzhou University, China
Outline Collective Excitations in hot QCD Possible collective excitations in warm graphene Outlook
In QCD, about T>150Mev, there is a first phase transition (QCDPT). i.e., L.S. Kisslinger and D. Das, arXiv:
Two ways to get so high temperature Early universe Latent heat. heavy ion collision, RHIC and LHC
Plasmon In QGP, there are two collective excitations Plasmino
Some literatures on plasmino
arXiv: arXiv: arXiv:hep-ph/
Possilbe collective excitations in graphene
Possible collective excitations in warm graphene Plasmon 1) F.H.L. Koppens, D.E. Chang and F.J.G. de Abajo, Graphene plasmonics: A platform for stron Light-matter interactions, Nano Lett. 11, 3370 (2011) 2) S.D. Sarma and E.H. Hwang, Collective modes of the massless Dirac plasma, Phys.Rev.Lett. 102, (2009) 3) Y. Liu, R.F. Willis, K.V. Emtsev and T. Seyller, Plasmon dispersion and damping in electrically isolated two-dimesenional charge sheets, Phs. Rev. B (R) (2008) 4) S.D. Sarma and Q. Li, Intrinsic plasmon in 2D Dirac materials, Phys. Rev. B. 87, (2013)
Propagators Fermion where Potential
Feynman diagram for carrier self-energy correction We also focus on the case As for the correction from temperature, there are two cases, High temperature, Debye screening Low temperature (The influence of T on V is neglected)
Phys. Rev. B 85, (2012) Phys.Lett. B359 (1995)
This is the main challenge of the topic. We set To calculate the correction we introduce invariants We have and the domain of the integration and ,
The scalar part, which is an odd function of, The self-energy correction can be divided into two parts, The spinor part, which is an even function of, ?
In RPA, the full carrier propagator is The zero point is at
To simplify the discussion, we assume We have two solutions T=0.5
T=0.3. The fit curve is The difference between with 0.06 term and wothout 0.06 term
Outlook Graphene: The TRUE bridge between high- and low-energy physics The (anti-)plasmino states in graphene can help us to understand (anti-)plasmino in QGP and hot QCD.
Thanks for your attention