Combined Professional Associations Group (CPAG) State Of The Army State Of PEO STRI Presentation to the Combined Professional Associations Group (CPAG) 10 January 2008 COL Kevin Dietrick Deputy Program Executive Officer Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation
Agenda State of The Army State of PEO STRI The War Grow The Army Army Contracting State of PEO STRI Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) and Acquisition Center PEO STRI Charter TADSS Policy Memorandum
State Of The Army The War Soldiers are the centerpiece of this effort Strategic Environment characterized by uncertainty and persistent conflict. 154,000 deployed in Iraq and Kuwait. 26,000 deployed in Afghanistan. Reset – equipment will have to be repaired, replaced, updated. Dec 07 Soldiers are the centerpiece of this effort
Grow The Army - Strategic Context Our Army is undergoing the largest organizational change since World War II as we transform to a Brigade-centric, modular force, AND Grow by 74.2K Restations ~1/3 of the Army by end of FY 2011 Impacts 380K Soldiers and Families members Affects 304 installations/locations Our Army is executing a tightly-woven, operationally-synchronized plan integrating BRAC, Global Defense Posture Realignment, and Grow the Army; facilitated by Military Construction Total Army Military Construction FY06-13: $66.4B Constructing 743 projects from FY06-13 Constructing 20 Brigade Complexes; 69,000 Barracks spaces; 4,100 Family Housing Units; 66 Child Development Centers 13 Full BRAC Closures; 8 Leased facility closures 53 Realignments (3 Major School realignments) 125 New Armed Forces Reserve Centers +74K Today’s action impacts quality of tomorrow’s force
Active Component Operational Units BRAC and GTA Endstate- FY13 X X X X X ++ X X X MI X CAB SUST MP X X (-) Germany TSC E Ft Lewis X Italy X CAB X X X X X X SUST X l Aberdeen Proving Grounds 20th SPT CMD X E X X X II MP MED ESC SUST Ft Drum Ft Leonard Wood X Ft Carson Ft Knox SUST X X X X Ft Riley Ft Eustis X X X X ESC Ft Myer X X X Ft Lee 49th QM NTC X X SF III X CAB X Ft Story EOD Ft Campbell Ft Irwin SUST SUST X X X X X l Ft Bragg X X X CAB X CAB EOD SUST X X X X Ft Sill WSMR X Ft Gordon X l X CAB SUST X SF III Ft Benning X (T) Ft Polk X Korea Ft Hood R III X Ft Stewart /HAAF MP MED ESC Ft Bliss JRTC X X ++ TSC X E X X X X MI X X MED X X X X X CAB X SUST AAMDC X X CAB X X III X X SUST X X X X X Ft Wainright SUST X X l X CAB X Legend X Ft Richardson (T) X X X CAB X AVN TF SUST GTA Unit X MF MF X X E X MP X MED X X l ESC (T) SUST Schofield BK/ Shafter/ Wheeler HBCT converted to GTA IBCT AAMDC X X CAB X X TSC Theater Support Command X SUST X X X LEGEND: LEGEND: HBCT X IBCT X X X X X CAB X X X X X X X X EOD X X X X TAOG X X MEB Theater Airfield Theater Airfield MP E X MI ++ TSC CAB BDE CAB BDE SUST SUST Sustain BDE Sustain BDE CHEM BDE CHEM BDE ADA BDE ADA BDE EOD EOD EOD GRP EOD GRP TAOG TAOG Corps Ops GRP Ops GRP X SBCT X X X X X X X l X X X X X X X MP X X X X MED X X ESC Division Division IBCT (ABN) IBCT (ABN) BfSB BfSB l l Fires BDE Fires BDE Signal BDE Signal BDE E E ENG BDE ENG BDE MP MP MP BDE MP BDE MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED BDE ESC ESC Expeditionary Expeditionary Sustainment Sustainment CMD CMD
State Of The Army Army Contracting Gansler Commission on Army Acquisition and Program Management In Expeditionary Operations. Army Acquisition activities in Central Command. Organizational alignments of responsibility. Personnel staffing (numbers, skills and training). Oversight and management. Responsiveness, visibility and controls. Budgeting and financial management. Sufficiency of extant legislation. Army Contracting Task Force. Led by LTG N. Ross Thompson, Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology and Ms. Kathryn Condon, Executive Deputy to the Commanding General of Army Materiel Command. Already made actionable recommendations and is implementing improvements.
State Of PEO STRI HCA and Acquisition Center. PEO STRI Charter. U.S. Army Policy for the Acquisition of System Training Devices (TADSS Policy Memorandum). Vision “The Center of Acquisition Excellence providing simulation, training and testing solutions for the nation.” Mission “To provide responsive interoperable Simulation, Training and Testing Solutions and Acquisition Services for the Warfighters and the Nation.” PEO STRI continues to grow!
Head Of Contracting Activity 26 February 2007 designated HCA. Conduct contract actions under Army Source Selection procedures. 48 new personnel. PARC creation. PEO STRI “Ends” #5 Provide a full range of contracting and acquisition services for effective, efficient and responsive life-cycle management.
New PEO STRI Charter Department of Defense and U.S. Army. “You will maintain a balanced U.S. Army and Joint perspective…” “… create interoperable Live, Virtual, Constructive solutions to enhance training and testing capabilities.” Acquisition Center of Excellence.
TADSS Policy Memorandum Interact with PEOs for System TADSS. ASA(ALT) staff fully supports this initiative. PEO STRI has the lead to facilitate the TADSS policy across ASA(ALT). System PEOs retain authority and responsibility for training system acquisition. Every PEO has been briefed and every PEO has offered a program to be supported
Upcoming Events Capitol Hill Demonstration 4-7 February 2008 Association of the United States Army Winter Symposium and Exposition 27-29 February 2008 DoD Modeling and Simulation Conference 10 – 14 March 2008 Army Ball 21 June 2008 Association of United States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition 6-8 October 2008 Army year for I/ITSEC 1-4 December 2008 DMSC I/ITSEC
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Stationing Summary Army Stationing Plan uses same stationing analysis as 2005 BRAC Stations 6 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams at: 2 at Ft Carson, CO 2 at Ft Stewart, GA 2 at Ft Bliss, TX Stations 8 Support Brigades (BDEs): Military Police Brigade and Engineer Brigade Headquarters at Schofield Barracks, HI Maneuver Enhancement Brigade at Ft Leonard Wood, MO Fires Brigade at Ft Bliss, TX Sustainment Brigade and Air Defense Brigade at Ft Hood, TX Expeditionary Sustainment Command Headquarters at Ft Lewis, WA Battlefield Surveillance Brigade at Ft Polk, LA Restations 2 Maneuver Enhancement Brigades (MEBs) (pending NEPA): To Ft Richardson (from Ft Irwin, CA) To Ft Drum (from Schofield Barracks, HI) Activate and retain 2 HBCTs in Germany for 2 years Restations 2 OCONUS Heavy Brigade Combat Teams (pending NEPA): To Ft Bliss, TX To White Sands Missile Range, NM