Ghosts of Ole Miss The final integration of the South’s historically most racist University
Brown Vs. Board of Education 1954 ruling Ross Barnett and the Dixie-Crats
James Meredith 1962 Application Barnett can’t be trusted - Sept. 20 th Registration Mississippi State Police resistance Ole Miss – Kentucky speech - I love Mississippi ygVf3FxKxJU
Riot of 1962 September 29, 1962 RFK and 500 U.S. Marshals JFK 503 RD US Army Military Police Battalion Tennessee doctors and National Guard 70 + injured, 2 shot in the head
Admission Oct. 1, 1962 First black person to attend Ole Miss Faced constant bickering when around campus, in dorm, café, etc. Had U.S. Marshals with him AT ALL TIMES
Aftermath Graduated, 1963 Political Science 1966 March Against Fear - Memphis, TN to Jackson, MI
Ghosts of Ole Miss 1962 football team undefeated , National Champions Haven’t won a championship since