Wednesday’s Bellwork Do week 5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday’s questions – Page 27 – On a piece of your own paper Modify these nouns to possessive nouns and use them in sentences: woman, toy.
Spelling Possessives The possessive form of a noun shows ownership or relationship. When forming a possessive noun, be sure to put the apostrophe in the correct place. Singular nouns: Add an apostrophe and s, even if the word ends in s (book’s cover, waitress’s tray, Louis’s house)
Today You Will Spell possessives correctly
Spelling Possessives Plural nouns ending in s: Add an apostrophe (songs’ melodies, bees’ honey). Plural nouns not ending in s: Add an apostrophe and s (women’s sports, people’s health). Practice- Revise the sentence – In the beginning, Rogers’ potential is not easy to see.
In your Literature book On page 75 in your literature book. With your elbow partner, Correct the spelling of the possessive nouns in the following sentences. Answers – 1. Mrs. Jones’s treatment… – 2. …prejudge children’s actions. – 3. She knows that many boys’ actions… – 4. …take someone else’s money.
Check your Bellwork Make any changes before you turn it in
Homework In your language book on page 373 and 374 do exercise 6. Vocabulary Worksheet from yesterday—do the Grammar in context We will check these tomorrow in class.
Grammar Notes Why are apostrophes important? rammarnotes/level1/level1_lesson19/level1_l esson19.html rammarnotes/level1/level1_lesson19/level1_l esson19.html