Review Chapter 5 Social and cognitive Development
Name the researcher who studied attachment by observing parent, child, stranger interactions. Mary Ainsworth
Name the researcher who outlined four stages of cognitive development based on how we use our schemas. Jean Piaget
Name each of the four stages of cognitive development according to Piaget – IN ORDER. 1. Sensorimotor 2. Preoperational 3. Concrete Operational 4. Formal Operational
Your accumulated knowledge for facts and details. This tends to increase with age. Crystalized Intelligence
Name the researcher who described four different parenting styles. Baumrind
Name each of those four parenting styles and circle the one that is best. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Rejecting/Neglecting
He studied monkeys in order to determine the affects of nourishment vs. contact comfort on attachment. Harry Harlow
Which two elements of security did Harlow claim the soft monkey provided for the infants? Save Haven Secure Base
He outlined 8 stages of social development according to a conflict/resolution process at each age. Erik Erikson
Name the stage, according to Erikson, that you are in right now. Identity vs. Role Confusion
He further researched Erikson’s claim about identity formation in adolescence and claimed there were four levels of identity formation. James Marcia
Name each of these levels of identity formation according to Marcia. Foreclosure Diffusion Moratorium Achievement
She researched the stages of loss/death by studying hospice cancer patients. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Name, IN ORDER, the 5 stages of grief/loss. Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
She studied the difference between men and women with regard to empathy and intimacy. Carol Gilligan
He studied moral development by posing moral dilemmas. He posed that we go through three stages of moral reasoning. Each stage has two sub stages. Lawrence Kohlberg
Name each of the three stages, IN ORDER, of moral reasoning according to Kohlberg. 1. Preconventional 2. Conventional 3. Post Conventional
Amy believes that all church leaders are male because in her church only men can hold positions of leadership. However, she attends a new church with a friend and the pastor is a woman. Amy decides that this woman must just be a speaker and not a true leader in that church. In this scenario, what did Amy do with regard to her schema? Assimilate