Before, During, and After Strategies for The Second Person Eddie Meets in Heaven
Preview the text Skim Pages Notice the titles. Generate 2 questions you have based on previewing the text. Set Purpose (pages 56-61) What is the setting of Eddie’s second heaven? Why did Eddie enlist in the war? Who is Eddie’s second person?
Predict why you think Eddie enlisted into the army.
Connecting to the text Make one text to text, self, or world connection while reading pages Re-establish purpose – check in with purpose Active Reading Strategy – VISUALIZE – create a picture that represents the setting of Eddie’s second heaven. Write one quote from the book on this picture that supports your visualization. Active Reading Strategy – Mark the text Underline all the reasons Eddie decides to go to war Circle who Eddie’s second person is
Re-read an assigned portion of the text with a partner. Compare/Contrast your SUBSEARCHing and mark your text so this section looks the same in both of your books. Reflect on this portion of the text. Summarize what happens and explain what it says about Eddie.
Good Grief! I get it! I know Before, During, and after strategies are when good readers… Okie Dokie…I get_____________about BDA, but I still don’t get___________________ Zoinks! I totally don’t get BDA – I think if we___________I’d understand it better.