Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EU research activities supporting AfriGEOSS AfriGEOSS Side Event, Tuesday 10 November Jose Miguel RUBIO.


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Presentation transcript:

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EU research activities supporting AfriGEOSS AfriGEOSS Side Event, Tuesday 10 November Jose Miguel RUBIO IGLESIAS Unit Climate Action and Earth Observation – I4 Directorate Climate Action and Resource Efficiency Directorate General Research & Innovation

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation -EU well positioned to develop further capacity building initiatives focused on Africa and Mediterranean region within the GEO context. -Huge potential for European programmes to contribute to AfriGEOSS -African organisations automatically eligible for funding in Horizon Roadmap for of the EU-Africa partnership stressing the need for coherent framework for EO activities for development. -Alignment with AfriGEOSS initiative to deliver services for priority domains such as food security or health. -Strengthen African capacity through the implementation of the GMES & Africa Action Plan, and contribution from MESA programme, building on AMES) achievements -EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA) -Agreed as a common challenge at the EU-Africa Summit in 2014 (HLPD) -Will help coordinate EU activities in this domain. Opportunity for AfriGEOSS! -Roadmap in the making, to be endorsed Spring 2016 (Addis Abeba). 2 EU, Africa and AfriGEOSS

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 3 SC 2: Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy SFS : Earth observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa Specific Challenge  To contribute to EU-Africa Partnership Roadmap by providing food supply projection and agricultural risk assessment for Africa.  To collect information on environmental and weather conditions, climate change, crops and livestock derived from both remote and in-situ Earth observation systems.  To make agricultural production in Africa more predictable using Earth observation assets (i.e. made available via the GEOSS and Copernicus programmes) Horizon 2020 – Work Programme

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 4 SFS : Earth observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa Scope  Increasing the use of EO capabilities and applications  Supporting the GEOGLAM and AfriGEOSS initiatives  Developing methods to monitor agricultural production in Africa  Building on the outcomes of existing EU projects (such as SIGMA)  Fostering participatory approaches to collecting relevant information and data  Building on widespread women’s engagement in agricultural production and food supply  Supporting the implementation of an EU-Africa partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture.  Establishing cooperation with institutions/networks engaged in the development of climate services in Africa

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 5 SFS : Earth observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa Expected Impact  Move projection of food supply and agricultural risk assessment at the level of the African continent beyond the current capability;  Improve decision making capacity;  Contribute to neutral evaluation of agricultural production in Africa;  Strengthen collaboration between EU and African organisations;  Increased involvement of citizens and stakeholders in food production and food supply chain management in Africa;  Provide a strong Earth observation building blocks for an EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership focusing on FNSSA;  Improve participation of African organisations in GEO and Copernicus (GMES & Africa initiative);  Foster cooperation with initiatives developing the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in African countries.

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 6 SFS : Earth observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa PRACTICAL INFORMATION  It is a Research and Innovation Action (Funding up to 100% of eligible costs).  It is a one-stage topic.  African partners are especially encouraged to participate  € 10 Mio allocated for this topic  Call open on 4 October 2016  Deadline for submission: 14 February 2017 There are more Africa-related topics! Consult the Work Programme of this Societal Challenge available on the Commission website: 20-wp1617-food_en.pdf

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