Feeding and Digestion
Intracellular Digestion-each cell digests its own nutrients Paramecium – a single-celled pond organism
Digestive Systems
Human Digestive System
Teeth Indicate Diet
Which digestive system is longer, a carnivore or an herbivore? WHY??
Compartments of a Cow’s Stomach
Open vs. Closed Circulatory System Open = blood in sinuses Closed = blood is always in the heart or a blood vessel, never in sinuses.
Fish has 2-chambered heart Amphibian has 3- chambered heart Mammal has 4- chambered heart
Human Heart is 4-chambered: 2 atria and 2 ventricles Left side= blood with oxygen Right side= unoxygenated blood
Cardiovascular System- Human Circulation
Fish Respiration through Gills
Insect Respiration through Tracheae
Human Respiration through Lungs
Bird Respiration through Lungs
Male Anatomy
Female Anatomy
Female Hormones