The Sahara desert and Grasslands Molly Quinn
The Sahara deserts major features It doesn’t get very much rain It’s dry most of the year It get less than ten inches of rain a year Days that are over 100 degrees Fahrenheit aren’t uncommon Deserts night and days are very extreme
Animals that can survive in the Sahara desert Gerbils can survive this extreme weather because their natural instinct is to burrow under ground and make burrows, until night falls. Then they go out and look for food, the don’t need water because they get all the water they need in the food they eat. They eat seeds, roots, plant stalks, tubers, and flowers. African clawed frogs can survive in the in the slow ponds and rivers of the desert. They have 3 claws on each back foot. No African clawed frogs have toughs. African clawed frogs will eat almost anything they can shove in their mouths. They will eat guppies, and many other things they find.
Plants that can survive in the Sahara desert The saguaro cactus is able to survive in the harsh Sahara desert because of its large “arms” that holds water. The cactus can have up to 50 arms! That’s why it can go through with out water for so long. This colossal cactus can weigh up to a ton in weight! It can also live to be over 200 years old! The Prickly pear cactus can survive the extreme weather of the Sahara desert thanks to its water absorbing tissue. Since animals will eat the cacti for their moisture, the have lots of spines to protect themselves.
Grasslands major features Grasslands are home to all kinds of animals including lions, gazelle, and many insects. They don’t have very many bushes. Grasslands get about 10-30 inches of rain per year. Its like an endless ocean of grass lions
Animals that can survive in the grasslands Ostriches live in the grasslands. They can run at speeds of 40 mil per hour! Thanks to its long legs. It lives in groups of 5 to 50 birds. Its diet is mainly seeds and other plant matter. The ostrich is the largest living bird species, and also lays the biggest egg. Cheetahs can live in the grasslands because their main preys, such as zebras, gazelle, wildebeest, and other large animals, live there. They can run at speeds up to 70 mil per hour!
Grassland plant Probably one of the most beautiful prairie flowers on the tall grass prairie is the prairie blazing star. Its flowers are magenta colored and arranged at the top of a 5-foot stalk. Many butterflies are attracted to this beautiful flower.
References I used htm m