There are five different groups of animals with vertebrates. These classifications are: Mammals Fish Reptiles Birds Amphibians
The cheetah has certain characteristics that make it a mammal. Here are some of its attributes. › They are warm-blooded. › They give live birth. › They breathe through lungs. › They have hair and fur. › They feed their babies with mother’s milk.
Adult cheetahs have dark spots on their bodies. They have black lines down their nose that look like tears. A baby cheetah has gray fur like fluff on a bird. The cheetah has a long tail. The cheetah’s head is very small and round.
Cheetahs live in the Serengeti that is in Africa. The Serengeti is a grassland. The grassland is a perfect place for the cheetahs because there is lots of running space and their food is there. The grassland is good place for the baby cheetahs to hide in.
The cheetah’s favorite food is gazelles, impalas, and rabbits. These animals live on the grasslands so that makes them easier to catch. The baby gazelles and impalas are the ones the baby cheetahs catch.
The cheetah’s enemies are lions,hyenas, and jackals. The hyenas take the baby cheetahs at night so they won’t be seen. Lions can smell the baby cheetahs. People are enemies to cheetahs because they kill them for their beautiful fur.
A cheetah can run up to 70 miles per hour. Cheetahs are the fastest cats in the cat family. They are the fastest land animals on earth. Their speed helps them to catch their prey and outrun their enemies.
We must help our cheetahs so they can live for a long time. We should not kill the cheetahs for their beautiful fur to make coats and hats. If we love our cheetahs they will love us!!!
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