The Gospel of Luke Part 2 The Entry into Jerusalem The Apocalyptic Sermon Jesus' Last Days The Passion Resurrection, Appearances and Ascension Christology Soteriology Eschatology Ecclesiology
The Lucan Jerusalem Narrative The Entry into Jerusalem Hosanna Procession Lucan Material: 'the stones would shout', lament over Jerusalem The Cleansing of the Temple 20.16b-17 Luke's addition to the parable Dialogue in the Temple
The Lucan Jerusalem Narrative The Apocalyptic Sermon Lucan Material: Jesus teaches daily in the Temple ( ) Conspiracy Passover/Last Supper/Institution of the Eucharist Lucan Material: Final Instructions ( ) Lucan alterations to the Trials: Sanhedrin Jesus looks at Peter Jesus before Herod Barabbas not named
The Via Crucis The Women of Jerusalem do not weep for me blessed are the barren “if these things are done... ” The Repentant Criminal fear of God just condemnation remember me Paradise Jesus' Last Words (negative signs placed before Jesus' death) reference to Psalm
Burial, Resurrection and Ascension Lucan additions/alterations women of Galilee (12) women witness the empty tomb (Peter hurries to see) Appearance on the Road to Emmaus Appearance in Jerusalem Ascension
Luke's Christology Human, yet not humanly weak (omits almost all Mark's reference to Jesus' human emotions) the servant sent to save Jesus becomes Christ and Lord
Luke's Soteriology Genealogy from Adam: through a human was humanity saved emphasis on Jesus as historical person salvation is not for one nation, but for all people Jesus' death not ransom but service forgiveness freely given to repentant sinners possible significance of Jesus' last words (Ps. 31) Ascension as transformation
Luke's Eschatology Delayed parousia the Lord will return, but we do not know when all disciples must wait in faith and service, enduring persecution with hope present Kingdom of God discipleship means service service to God is shown in service to others service to others brings the Kingdom present
Luke's Ecclesiology The community of faith becomes the Kingdom of God through service to, forgiveness of, and love for all humanity The Spirit continues the ministry of Christ through the mission of His church