On this Feast of Corpus Christi let us ponder on the truth of God’s precious gift of Himself to us in His Body and Blood.
At the Last Supper Jesus reaches the last moments of His life on earth. He faces the truth... He sees the torture, the shame, the death that He has to go through. Yet, His love for each of us surpasses all these and He willingly said “Yes” to the Father.
Even as Jesus agonises at how His followers would turn against Him as traitors in a crowd, and as cowards even as His disciples, Jesus continues to care for us. He wants us to be saved.
And so, for more than 2,000 years the Church has been so blessed to be able to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.
In the Eucharist we receive the REAL Body and Blood of Christ...
In the Eucharist Jesus heals us of our pains, forgives us of our sins, strengthens us in our needs and renews us in our hope.
So, when you are passing a Church... why not enter into the “House of God...” come into His Presence...
... and speak to Him from your heart... He knows and understands everything that you are going through. Entrust everything in His tender and compassionate love.
Yes, indeed... the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is the most precious divine gift of Our Lord to heal us in our pains, forgive us of our sins, strengthen us in our needs, renew us in our hope... Lord, I praise and thank You for allowing us to receive You in the Body and Blood... and for being there for us always...
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