SOUL PowerPoint By Matthew Hughes
The soul Christians believe that everyone has a soul, it is inside you but you cannot see it. They believe that the soul is you as a person, it is your personality, your likes and dislikes.
When you die Christians believe that when you die, the soul leaves your body and goes to Heaven or Hell. Which one is goes to depends on what type of life you have lead.
How should we live? Christians believe that if you lead a good life, you will go to heaven. Eternal peace and happiness. But if you lead a bad life, you will go to Hell. Which is eternal suffering.
What is Heaven? Christians believe that Heaven is a place where you have everything you like, you are all ways happy and never get hurt or injured. If you lead a good life, this is where you will go after death.
What is Hell? Christians believe that if you lead a bad life, you will end up in Hell after you die. Hell is a place of eternal fires and suffering, where people who have lead bad lives are tortured for eternity.