Alan Nunez, Adrian Martinez, Keila Donell, Mariah Calzolari.


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Presentation transcript:

Alan Nunez, Adrian Martinez, Keila Donell, Mariah Calzolari

 When you become a Jahablist, you don’t become one of us, but we become one …  As Jahablist we have two Gods but one Religion  We read a holy book called The Waz …

 He was raised by both his parents, and was raised to be a great warrior and god.  He wanted to go into combat, and became the great warrior.

 Medvin: Controller of life.  Nivdem: Controller of death.

 When people look up at the sky the will be reminded of the Great god Medvin.  Whenever a baby is born or someone dies you shall be frequently reminded of him.

 In this case whenever a baby is born, since they haven’t done anything bad they are honoring Almighty Medvin because he gave it life.

 Is O’Mighty Medvin a “Light God” ? … One who is bringing you a wonderful new-born baby cousin, sibling, or child into your life…  OR  Is O’ Mighty Medvin a “Dark God” bent on ruining your happy life by bringing an evil, annoying sibling/cousin into it.  Can Nivdem be the “Light God” one who is doing as you command to make someone sick or die that you dislike  Or  Can Nivdem be a “Dark God” who took away the life of a loved one ?

 Nivdem is Medvin’s twin he once grew jealous of him.  Nivdem forces you to make bad choices.  He is the immoral controller of the place of the condemned.

 He was born in Hell but ascended into Heaven.  Nivdem and Medvin are twin brothers they are not considered to good nor evil.  Medvin is the oldest of his family.  Medvin married his younger sister, Luna.  Nivdem is not married and then grew jealous of Medvin.  After he went into combat he became the god of war.

 Medvin was born in Hell with his brother/twin Nivdem, but apparently Medvin was too good for Hell and didn’t like death and suffering so he became the controller/ruler of Heaven

 We worship our God O’ Mighty Medvin therefore we as Jahablist must respect him so…  He MUST ALWAYS be referred to as Almighty” Medvin.

 Johana will explain what you will get in the afterlife when you worship either Medvin or Nivdem and what is best !