Legislative Update Bob Conder K4RLC State Government Liaison
Purpose of SGL Monitor Legislature for bills that could help or hurt Amateur Radio Monitor Legislature for bills that could help or hurt Amateur Radio Introduce Legislation for Ham radio Introduce Legislation for Ham radio Assist members in addressing their Legislators with legislative issues Assist members in addressing their Legislators with legislative issues
Last Year’s success PRB-1 Antenna Bill NCGS PRB-1 Antenna Bill NCGS 153A Reasonable accommodation of amateur radio antennas. A county ordinance based on health, safety, or aesthetic considerations that regulates the placement, screening, or height of the antennas or support structures of amateur radio operators must reasonably accommodate amateur radio communications and must represent the minimum practicable regulation necessary to accomplish the purpose of the county. A county may not restrict antennas or antenna support structures of amateur radio operators to heights of 90 feet or lower unless the restriction is necessary to achieve a clearly defined health, safety, or aesthetic objective of the county. ( )
This year’s success: SB 12
Senate Commerce Committee Senator Purcell and I -courtesy Gary Pearce
Weekly Agenda for Senate Commerce Committee
If you or members have Legislative concerns, please contact me: If it concerns a specific bill, need specific bill Number, eg, SB 12 If it concerns a specific bill, need specific bill Number, eg, SB 12 Let me review the Bill, before writing to your Legislator Let me review the Bill, before writing to your Legislator Let me suggest text of letter Let me suggest text of letter Go to: for address of your person. Check out their Committees Go to: for address of your person. Check out their Committeeswww.ncga.state.nc.us Just write Legislator for your District Just write Legislator for your District
Letter should be: A) Polite: Thank you Senator for listening to my concerns A) Polite: Thank you Senator for listening to my concerns B) State your relationship: As a constituent, supporter, financial contributor, someone who knows what you did last Tuesday night.. B) State your relationship: As a constituent, supporter, financial contributor, someone who knows what you did last Tuesday night.. C) Be brief with your concerns C) Be brief with your concerns D) Tell them you are a ham radio operator and how this bill would impact provision of Emergency Amateur Radio services D) Tell them you are a ham radio operator and how this bill would impact provision of Emergency Amateur Radio services E) Thank them, and ask them to contact you for any needed clarification. E) Thank them, and ask them to contact you for any needed clarification.
US House Bill HR 2160 Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009 Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009 "promote and encourage the valuable public service, disaster relief, and emergency communications provided on a volunteer basis by licensees of the Federal Communications Commission in the Amateur Radio Service, by undertaking a study of the uses of Amateur Radio for emergency and disaster relief communications, by identifying unnecessary or unreasonable impediments to the deployment of Amateur Radio emergency and disaster relief communications, and by making recommendations for relief of such unreasonable restrictions so as to expand the uses of Amateur Radio communications in Homeland Security planning and response." "promote and encourage the valuable public service, disaster relief, and emergency communications provided on a volunteer basis by licensees of the Federal Communications Commission in the Amateur Radio Service, by undertaking a study of the uses of Amateur Radio for emergency and disaster relief communications, by identifying unnecessary or unreasonable impediments to the deployment of Amateur Radio emergency and disaster relief communications, and by making recommendations for relief of such unreasonable restrictions so as to expand the uses of Amateur Radio communications in Homeland Security planning and response." Go to: and look up your Representative, and send a nice note asking their support or asking them to Co-Sponsor the bill. Go to: and look up your Representative, and send a nice note asking their support or asking them to Co-Sponsor the bill.
My goal If HR 2160 passes, to have a similar bill introduced here in North Carolina If HR 2160 passes, to have a similar bill introduced here in North Carolina Or, to have a statutory definition of Amateur Radio in the NC General Statutes Or, to have a statutory definition of Amateur Radio in the NC General Statutes
Legislator of the Year Accomplishments this past Monday night: Accomplishments this past Monday night: Driving 102 in 65 mph zone in Orange Co Driving 102 in 65 mph zone in Orange Co At Legislature drinking At Legislature drinking Kissing teenage page in public Kissing teenage page in public