Welcome Parents and Guardians! Mrs. Bree Chang Physical Science SY
Honolulu, Hawai’i
Experience Graduated from University of Hawai’i at Manoa BS in Biology MEdT in Secondary Education TA for UH bio lab for 2 sem. High School Physical Science & Biology for 1.5 years Middle School Life Science for 2 years Long term sub for Chinook Middle School in Bellevue Fourth year at Maywood
I believe that all students can succeed at anything they put their mind to if they’re willing to put the time and effort into doing it.
Textbooks & Supplies Textbooks –Online or hardcopy Supplies –Science Journal –Pencil and Pens –Scotch Tape –Highlighters –Color Pencils (12) –USB drive & Calculator highly recommended
Daily Expectations Write HW into Planner daily Complete Bell Work, class notes, and data collection in the Science Journal
Science Curriculum Energy, Machines & Motion Energy & Batteries Forces –Friction –Motors Newton’s Laws of Motion Simple Machines Properties of Matter Subatomic Particles Systems Chemical vs Physical Changes Phases of Matter Chemical Reactions Periodic Table
Overarching Themes Scientific Method –Process and Application Energy Flow Through Systems Engineering, Technology, Science and Society –Defining a problem and designing a solution to solve that problem
Late Work & Grades Grades are heavily weighted on assessments (tests & projects) 10% Deduction if one day late 25% Deduction if work turned in 2-5 school days late. No Late Work once the unit is over or after one week.
Absences Call the office by 8am Check class site for HW or request from the office for pick-up Turn-in time = days absent If absent for more than 3 days, talk with Teacher for deadlines
What You Can Do Encourage Students to: –Be on time with necessary supplies –Start assessments early to get teacher feedback before it’s due –Always ask questions –Look at exemplars whenever available –Review notes nightly –Take advantage of after school tutoring
What You Can Do Check the class website: –Student & Parent Survey –Check regularly Check Grades Online: –Check regularly –Sign-up for family access s – teacher w/any questions
Requesting Help After School Tutoring –Thursdays 2:10-3:10 –Plan ahead for rides home if needed Tutoring by Appointment –24 hour advance notice appreciated if a student is unable to come on Thursday.
For the Exceeding Kids Request additional practice –Advanced problems or assignments Read Ahead –Keep at least one chapter ahead of the class –List questions you may have in advance Outside Resources –Use the internet or library to expand your knowledge beyond the required curriculum
FYI Experimental Design Project (3 rd Trimester) –Possible Issues Overly stressed out Not working out Procrastination –Contact me ASAP Class Needs –Dish Liquid –Markers (class set) –Calculators –Tissue –Packing Tape Thank you to Issaquah School Foundation
Contact Information Bree Chang (425)
Fundraiser Reminder Turn-in Dates: –September 14 –September 21 –September 28