Warm-Up 12/08 Topic = African countries Collectors, pass back anything in baskets A-Managers, who’s absent? Supply Managers, Maybe… Retrievers, No can do. O-Managers, Keep the noise level down and your people on task! Number #1-7. Write the correct name of each country labeled here. What does the google company use to mow it’s lawns?
Warm-Up Topic = Africa’s Physical Features Collectors, pass back anything in baskets A-Managers, who’s absent? Supply Managers, check your baskets Retrievers, 2 papers…. 1 white & 1 orange H-Monitor, check HW… look for 7 countries (7 points) & make sure your group writes their HW in their agenda O-Managers, Keep the noise level down and your people on task! Number #1-8. Write the correct name of each feature labeled here.
Countries to know Morocco; Western Sahara; Mauritania; South Sudan; Algeria; Sudan; Egypt; Libya; Tunisia; Somalia; Ethiopia; Tanzania; Rwanda; Uganda, DRC; Madagascar; Botswana; Zimbabwe; South Africa; Lesotho; Nigeria; Ghana; Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast); Sierra Leone; Cameroon; Namibia; Mali; Senegal
Extension Activity If you have finished the Environmental Issues activity, do the following: Get a laptop You may work individual/partner Research 1/more specific Environmental Issues facing Africa today. (in-depth) Create multiple real world solutions to the problem(s). Report your findings/solutions (choice) This is a 1 day activity!